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Pakistan to host peace convention on Afghanistan

2 min read

Pakistan stated on Thursday that it’s going to host a peace convention on Afghanistan over the weekend to assist efforts for bringing stability within the war-torn neighbouring nation.
“I can confirm that Pakistan is hosting the Afghan Peace Conference on 17-19 July,” Foreign Office spokesman Zahid Hafeez Chaudhry stated.
He stated that the convention, which might be attended by various Afghan leaders, will present momentum to the continued efforts for peace in Afghanistan.
Earlier, Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry stated that Prime Minister Imran Khan had a telephonic dialog with Afghanistan’s former president Hamid Karzai and invited him to attend the convention.
“The most necessary Afghan management, together with Hamid Karzai, has been invited to attend the proposed convention. It is hoped that new hopes for an answer to Afghanistan’s issues shall be woke up because of this necessary growth, he stated.
The News International newspaper had reported that a number of Afghan leaders have promised to attend the convention.
Pakistan has been accused of making an attempt to assist the Taliban preventing for supremacy in Afghanistan and the upcoming convention appears to be an effort to assuage that impression.
Taliban militants have seized dozens of districts in current weeks and at the moment are thought to manage a few third of the nation, forward of the withdrawal of US and Western troops from Afghanistan by September 11.
Under a take care of the Taliban, the US and its NATO allies agreed to withdraw all troops in return for a dedication by the militants that they’d forestall extremist teams from working in areas they management.
Meanwhile, the FO spokesman stated that Pakistan was involved over the evolving state of affairs in Afghanistan.

“As the withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan is nearing completion, we stay involved on the evolving safety state of affairs in Afghanistan. We as soon as once more reiterate the crucial of a political settlement in Afghanistan, he stated.
The spokesperson stated Pakistan has performed an necessary position within the Afghan Peace Process and it stays dedicated to facilitate the method in future as nicely. However, finally, it’s the Afghans themselves who should determine about their future.
He known as on all Afghan stakeholders to work out an inclusive, broad-based and complete political settlement for sturdy peace and stability in Afghanistan.

He additionally stated that financial integration and regional connectivity can’t be achieved with out peace and stability in Afghanistan.
Pakistan has a direct stake for peace in Afghanistan as a result of the safety state of affairs in Afghanistan has a direct bearing on the safety state of affairs within the nation and any safety vacuum in Afghanistan will be exploited by spoilers, he stated.