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Italian ambassador to Congo killed in assault on UN convoy

2 min read

The Italian ambassador to Congo and an Italian carabineri police officer had been killed Monday whereas travelling in Congo in a UN convoy, the Foreign Ministry mentioned.
In a short assertion, the ministry mentioned Luca Attanasio and the officer had been killed in Goma, the jap regional capital. They had been travelling in a convoy of the UN stabilization mission in Congo.
The envoy, Luca Attanasio, “died of his wounds” after gunmen opened hearth on the convoy, officers in Congo instructed reporters. “The Congolese Armed Forces are combing to find out who the assailants are,” the Congolese military mentioned.
In January 2019, Congo skilled its first peaceable democratic switch of energy since independence in 1960 following the election of President Felix Tshisekedi.
He succeeded strongman Joseph Kabila in a disputed election marked by allegations of large-scale fraud and suspicions of a backroom deal by Kabila to put in Tshisekedi over an opposition candidate who, based on leaked electoral knowledge, was the true winner.
The resource-rich nation the scale of Western Europe suffered by means of one of the vital brutal colonial reigns ever identified earlier than present process a long time of corrupt dictatorship.
Back-to-back civil wars later drew in a variety of neighbouring nations. And many insurgent teams have come and gone through the U.N. mission’s years of operation, at occasions invading the jap regional capital, Goma, the place the ambassador was killed.
The U.N. peacekeeping mission, identified by its acronym MONUSCO, has been working to attract down its 15,000-troop presence and switch its safety work to Congolese authorities.