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Canada bans flights from India and Pakistan

2 min read

Canada has mentioned it might ban all flights from India and Pakistan for 30 days as a result of rising wave of COVID-19 circumstances in that area.
Transport Minister Omar Alghabra mentioned the ban would begin late Thursday, talking hours after India reported a worldwide file of greater than 314,000 new infections within the earlier 24-hours.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford, in the meantime, apologised Thursday for a failed try to shut playgrounds and permit police to cease and query individuals who weren’t of their properties, measures that created a backlash from police forces, well being officers and the general public.
The chief of Canada’s most populous province, in his first public look since asserting the restrictions, mentioned his authorities had moved too quick with the measures.
“They left a lot of people angry and upset. I know we got it wrong. I know we made a mistake and for that I’m sorry and sincerely apologize,” mentioned Ford, who appeared to choke again tears at one level.
But Ford mentioned he received’t resign regardless of widespread requires him to take action.
He additionally recommended his authorities will provide province-paid paid sick go away for COVID-19 sufferers, however introduced no particulars. The lack of such a program has led to widespread complaints.
The pandemic restrictions Ford’s authorities introduced final Friday instantly bumped into opposition. Police departments insisted they wouldn’t use new powers to randomly cease pedestrians or motorists and medical doctors complained the principles targeted on out of doors actions like playgrounds and golf fairly than extra harmful indoor settings.
Restaurants, gyms and lecture rooms throughout the province already had been closed. Most nonessential staff are working from dwelling.
On Saturday, Ford retracted the ban on playgrounds, although out of doors recreation actions resembling golf stay forbidden in Ontario, the one jurisdiction in North America that now bans it.
Vaccinations have ramped up in Canada, however well being consultants say more-contagious variants and a failure to take the suitable measures towards the virus has led to a 3rd wave of infections in Ontario.
Ford himself is isolating after a workers member examined optimistic.
“Ford chose to walk people into a catastrophic third wave. He chose politics over public health. Today, he offered nothing,” opposition New Democratic Party chief Andrea Horwath tweeted. “Ford must pass paid sick days, close non-essential businesses & send vaccines to hotspots. Today.”