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India provides USD 280 million to Syria for a metal plant and energy plant

3 min read

India has supplied traces of credit score value USD 280 million to Syria for constructing an influence plant and a metal plant within the nation.

While addressing the United Nations Security Council session on Syria’s political-humanitarian state of affairs, India’s everlasting consultant Ruchira Kamboj on Wednesday (native time) stated, “India has offered Lines of Credit worth USD 280 million to Syria for building a power plant and a steel plant. A Next-Gen Centre for Information Technology was set up in Damascus in October 2021. About 1500 scholarships have been provided to Syrian students to study in India in diverse streams, including 200 scholarships in the current academic year itself.”

She additionally stated that India has been extending humanitarian, technical and developmental help to Syria via bilateral and multilateral channels. Consignments of meals and medicines have been equipped to Syria every now and then, together with throughout the pandemic.

During her speech, Kamboj stated, “We note with regret that the conflict in Syria still has no end in sight and the political process is yet to take off. We continue to stress on Syrian-led and Syrian-owned political process, in line with UNSC Resolution 2254, with a firm commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic. A decisive forward movement on the political track in Syria remains an urgent imperative to alleviate the sufferings of its people.”

Notably, Resolution 2254 was adopted in 2015, reaffirming its sturdy dedication to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic, and to the needs and ideas of the Charter of the United Nations.

The revival of the constitutional committee course of is essential to maneuver ahead on the political monitor. In this regard, UNSC takes notice of the efforts of the Special Envoy, notably his go to to Damascus earlier this month. The step-by-step method advocated by the Special Envoy requires engagement and response from all sides, and can’t be a one-sided course of, she stated whereas addressing the UNSC.

“In recent weeks, the security situation particularly in northeast Syria has worsened. Moreover, the activities of terrorist outfits are on the rise. We have also seen military operations inside Syria carried out by a neighbour. We express concerns over such unilateral actions violating Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We believe that the withdrawal of all foreign forces is essential to achieve a nationwide ceasefire. We note the recent meeting of the Ceasefire Task Force and hope that the parties will take steps towards cessation of hostilities,” Kamboj stated.

India’s everlasting consultant to the UN additional stated, “The humanitarian situation continues to remain dire. Secretary-General in his latest report has projected an increase in the number of people in need of humanitarian aid, from 14.6 million in 2022 to 15.3 million in 2023. USG Martin Griffiths has also reiterated the challenges faced by humanitarian agencies. Women, children and the elderly continue to be impacted severely, and impediments to humanitarian assistance persist, both in terms of delivery and augmentation of financial resources. The restrictions on financial services have also negatively affected the work of humanitarian agencies.”

“We have noted the progress in crossline deliveries and early recovery projects. Our consistent view in this regard has been that distribution of humanitarian assistance to Syrians, whether by crossline or cross-border mechanism, should be guided by needs-based assessments and not political motivations. Humanitarian assistance cannot be a matter of political expediency,” she added.

Terrorism can’t be ignored in Syria and sanctioned terror outfits like ISIL, Hayat Tahrir Al Sham, proceed to stay lively within the nation. UNSC reiterated the decision for warning and due diligence to be exercised whereas extending humanitarian help to proscribed UN entities and people.

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