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Donald Trump paid no taxes in 2020, data reveal he reported losses in workplace

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Former United States President Donald Trump paid no revenue tax in 2020, a congressional panel file revealed on Tuesday.

New Delhi,UPDATED: Dec 22, 2022 08:42 IST

File photograph of former US President Donald Trump | Reuters

By India Today Web Desk: The former President of the United States (US), Donald Trump, paid no revenue tax in 2020. Reports revealed that he reported a loss from his sprawling enterprise pursuits through the closing full yr of his presidency.

The data by the Democratic-led House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee, was launched on Tuesday after a years-long battle. According to tax figures launched by a congressional panel, Trump’s revenue, and his tax legal responsibility, fluctuated dramatically throughout his 4 years within the White House.

The file highlighted that Trump and his spouse, Melania, paid some type of tax throughout all 4 years, however have been capable of decrease their revenue taxes in a number of years as revenue from Trump’s companies was greater than offset by deductions and losses.

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The committee questioned the authenticity of a few of these deductions, together with one for $916 million, and members on Tuesday mentioned that the tax returns have been brief on particulars.

The congressional panel is anticipated to launch redacted variations of his full returns in coming days.

The former US President refused to make his tax returns public throughout his two presidential bids and his marketing campaign for workplace. All different major-party presidential candidates have performed so for many years.

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The committee obtained the data after a years-long battle and voted on Tuesday to make them public.

A Donald Trump Organization spokesman Steven Cheung mentioned the discharge of the paperwork was politically motivated.

“If this injustice can happen to President Trump, it can happen to all Americans without cause,” Steven Cheung mentioned on Wednesday.

Edited By:

Manisha Pandey

Published On:

Dec 22, 2022