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‘Well done mate’: Glenn McGrath lauds Prasidh Krishna for heroics in debut

1 min read

After an eventful Vijay Hazare Trophy 2021, the place he grabbed the best 14 wickets, Prasidh Krishna managed to don Team India blue jersey on Tuesday towards England.  He scalped 4 wickets in his ODI debut. The 25-year-old lanky quick bowler acquired accolades from in all places and it turned out particular when former Australian quick bowler Glenn McGrath additionally hailed the speedster.
McGrath, who had earlier taken to social media to congratulate Prasidh on being chosen within the Indian squad, wrote, “Congratulations Prasidh @skiddyy on taking 4/54 & breaking the Indian record for most wickets taken by a bowler on ODI debut. Well done mate #cricket #mrfpacefoundation #fbc”.

Australian-legend Glenn McGrath, who has labored on honing Prasidh’s expertise at MRF Pace Academy in Chennai again in 2017, congratulated the lad on his very good achievement.
The Karnataka bowler, who additionally went to the CA Centre of Excellence in Brisbane in 2019 as a part of MRF Pace Foundation’s MoU with Cricket Australia, was overwhelmed by his mentor’s appreciation put up.
Recounting McGrath’s contribution to his profession, Krishna was quoted saying by KKR, “The difference he made was to bring in that aura of calmness and also he was very specific about the line and length with respect to different pitches. He always spoke of being consistent. The first thing I picked from him was to remain in the present under all circumstances as it is the most important aspect for a bowler when you are playing a game.”