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Kerala CM says new Congress chief had deliberate to kidnap his children

2 min read

In a sensational disclosure that might spark a serious political row in Kerala, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has claimed that the newly-coronated Kerala PCC President Ok Sudhakaran had as soon as deliberate to kidnap his youngsters.
According to the studies, chatting with reporters on Friday, Vijayan revealed {that a} former Congress native chief and Sudhakaran’s shut pal had referred to as on him at his home in Kannur a few years again to warn him a few plan hatched by Ok Sudhakaran to kidnap his youngsters. The Congress chief had cautioned Vijayan to watch out within the coming days.
The Kerala Chief Minister stated that he didn’t inform anybody, together with his spouse, as it will frighten her, given his youngsters had been nonetheless going to highschool then.
“A Congress leader once met me and said that Sudhakaran was planning to kidnap my children. Sudhakaran’s colleagues themselves have levelled a number of allegations against him. TK Ramakrishnan, the former DCC president, had openly exposed Sudhakaran’s true character to Kerala,” he added.
Vijayan’s assertion got here after Ok Sudhakaran in a latest interview had attacked the two-time Kerala Chief Minister. Both Vijayan and Sudhakaran share an extended historical past as they began their political profession in the identical metropolis Kannur.
Vijayan was crushed up throughout school days, says Congress chief
In a latest interview, Lok Sabha MP and Kerala Congress President Ok Sudhakaran had stated that in tensions at Brennen College at Thalassery in Kannur, the then Communist chief Vijayan was roughed up by them throughout a political conflict within the campus. Both Vijayan and Sudhakaran had been alumni of the Brennen College at Kannur.
However, Vijayan has denied Sudhakaran’s declare that the Congress leaders beat him previously. Sharing his aspect of the story, Vijayan stated that he was on the school to jot down exams through the stated incident, and following his intervention, Left scholar staff pulled away Sudhakaran.
“Sudhakaran said things that were factually incorrect. I went to the college to put an end to the clash between KSF and KSU. I was not a student of Brennen college then. That was why that clash came to an end,” Pinarayi Vijayan added.
Vijayan additionally recollected one other incident saying Congress leaders had made some adversarial remarks in opposition to Ok Sudhakaran previously.
Meanwhile, Ok Sudhakaran has refuted the allegations and stated that he could be popping out together with his recent variations in a day or two.
The Congress-strongman from Kannur was lately appointed because the president of the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee in a bid to revive the occasion, which was humiliated by the Communist Party-led Left Democratic Front within the lately held meeting elections. Sudhakaran, who hails from Kannur simply as Vijayan, is pipped to problem the two-times Chief Minister within the coming days.