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CG CONGRESS: Congress government bought more paddy from more farmers and paid more than BJP

4 min read

Exposing the lies of BJP on paddy procurement, State Congress General Secretary and President of Communications Department Shailesh Nitin Trivedi has said that BJP is constantly resorting to lies on paddy procurement. The Congress, which has done concrete work in the interest of farmers, is making false propaganda against the government every day. The BJP has forgotten what the BJP government did with the farmers. After losing the 2018 assembly elections, the BJP leaders have lost their memory. BJP has not bought as much paddy of farmers as it did not buy paddy and has not paid as much price as Congress government, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel ji’s government has bought more paddy than that, it is buying more paddy of farmers and paying more than that. . The Congress had promised in the 2018 assembly elections that it would waive farmers’ debt. 11000 crore loan waiver. Congress had said that Rs 2500 Will pay for paddy 80.38 lakh tonnes of farmers Rs. 2500 in 2018-19. 20095 crore at the rate of Rs. Purchased by giving Debt waiver by the Congress government and the cost of paddy to farmers is Rs 2500. Due to giving, the farmers of Chhattisgarh received more than 25095 crore rupees, the opposing BJP was stunned by this and the central government of BJP wrote a letter to the state government for Rs 2500. I refused to buy paddy. Another reason for the BJP’s trouble is the Congress government’s effective curbing of coaches and middlemen who harm the treasury by smuggling paddy, preserving the interest of farmers.
Shailesh Nitin Trivedi, the state Congress general secretary and chairman of the communications department, has said that the BJP government never even bought 80 lakh tonnes of paddy, but in the last year 2018-19, Bhupesh Baghel ji’s government has given more than 2500 million paddy worth Rs 2500. Bought into This year too, we have registered 19 lakh 52 thousand farmers instead of 15 lakh 71 thousand and more than 80 lakh tonnes of paddy has been purchased by the Congress government. This year, the Congress government has broken its own record of last year in paddy procurement. 2500 to farmers Congress has done the work of paying the price of paddy. While the Bharatiya Janata Party had said in the 2013 manifesto that Rs 2100. Will give support price, Rs 300 Bonus Rs 2100 The price of paddy was never found in the BJP government. Rs 300 Bonus not given 5 years. The matter of agitation by farmers and BJP in this matter is democracy, they have the right to agitate. The BJP has only cheated the farmers. BJP is pretending to be farmer friendly and sheds crocodile tears for farmers. The farmers of Chhattisgarh know and understand this anti-farmer character of the BJP.
Shailesh Nitin Trivedi, the state Congress general secretary and chairman of the Department of Communications, has said that the BJP government, which has never bought as much paddy in 15 years as the paddy government has bought last year and this year too. The BJP had said in the 2013 manifesto that Rs 2100. Will give support price, not given. The BJP had said that for 5 years Rs 300. Bonus will be given, not given. BJP had said that each grain will buy paddy, not bought. The BJP had said that it would give free power to 5 horsepower pumps, did not give it. The BJP had said that Swaminathan would implement the recommendations of the committee, adding one and a half times the cost of the crop to the farmers, not given. The BJP had said that it will double the income of the farmers by 2022, so far nothing has been done to increase the income of the farmers.

Congress counterattack on statements by BJP leaders on paddy purchase

While releasing the data of paddy procurement in 15 years, the BJP government, State Congress General Secretary and President of Communications Department, Shailesh Nitin Trivedi has said that the Raman Singh government of BJP has purchased only 50 lakh tonnes of paddy per year. 2500 to buy more than 80 lakh tonnes of paddy. With what mouths are the BJP leaders speaking out against the Bhupesh Baghel government of Congress, which bought in support price? The agitation for the paddy purchase announced by senior BJP leader former minister Ajay Chandrakar failed completely. 2048 is the purchasing center. The number of talk movement could not even cross ten. The movement on Bhat did not take place in the home district of senior BJP leader Ajay Chandrakar. The farmers and rural voters did not support the BJP on the purchase of paddy. The people of Chhattisgarh villages have understood the anti-farmer character of the BJP.