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LAC will have to withdraw its troops, India has a clear answer to China

2 min read

In military commander-level talks to resolve the ongoing tension on the LAC in eastern Ladakh, India once again made clear to China that it would have to find a way to withdraw troops without altering the status quo of the LAC. This eighth round of commander-level talks on Friday in order to repel the troops deployed in the inaccessible areas of LAC is very important for both India and China. Only after making mutual understanding on the issues agreed upon in this dialogue will the two countries issue their statements.

The eighth round of commander-level talks on the issue of removing troops from inaccessible areas is considered important after the India-China Foreign Ministers agreed to resolve the LAC deadlock in the Moscow meeting. The cold weather has started and snow will start falling in the next few days on these inaccessible fronts of LAC. In such a situation, maintaining the deployment of troops here is a big challenge for both countries.

The long commander-level talks in India’s Chushul sector in eastern Ladakh began at 9.30 am in which the Indian contingent was led by Lieutenant General PGK Menon, the new commander of the 14th Corps of the Army. Representatives of foreign ministries of both countries also participated in it. In the sixth round of commander-level talks where the two countries had agreed not to send any more troops on LAC. At the same time, in the seventh round of talks, no solution was found for the withdrawal of the soldiers, but the diplomatic dialogue was agreed to be maintained.

In the talks, India has repeatedly made it clear that it is up to China to end the military tension and for this, the dignity of LAC is required to be respected from both sides. India is firm on this stand that China should withdraw its troops and take them to the position before May. Whereas China says that India should first withdraw its troops stationed on the peaks of the southern area of ​​Pangong Lake.

On the eighth round of commander talks, Foreign Ministry spokesman Anurag Shrivastava said that we are constantly in talks with China for the complete withdrawal of troops from the entire LAC. According to the instructions of the leaders of the two countries, a further round of negotiations will continue to maintain peace in peace on the LAC.