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94-year-old legendary singer Tony Bennett reveals Alzheimer’s analysis

1 min read

LOS ANGELES: Legendary singer Tony Bennett’s household on Monday shared that the music icon has been recognized with Alzheimer’s Disease.

The household shared the information with America’s AARP journal.

The jazz legend, now 94, was formally recognized with the illness in 2016.

Alzheimer’s is characterised by a progressive reminiscence loss that deprives its victims of speech, understanding, reminiscences and recognition of shut ones.

Bennett’s spouse Susan Crow stated though Bennett has not developed excessive signs like episodes of terror, rage or melancholy, he’s “not always sure where he is or what is happening around him” He, nonetheless, remembers all his members of the family, the singer’s spouse informed CBS information.

“He knows all his kids, absolutely. And he knows me. When you’re somebody’s caregiver 24/7, it goes a long way if they still know you. You know, every night when we go to bed, he says, ‘I love you, Susan. ‘ And every morning when he wakes up he says, ‘I love you’.”

Dr. Gayatri Devi, a neurologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, who recognized Bennett, informed AARP journal that the singer is a logo of “hope”.

“He is doing so many things, at 94, that many people without dementia cannot do. He really is the symbol of hope for someone with a cognitive disorder.”

Bennett’s final public efficiency was on March 11, 2020 on the Count Basie Center for the Arts in Red Bank, New Jersey.