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Meerut News: Advocates’ council commits suicide, accuses BJP MLA of bullying, sues 14

3 min read

Highlights: Son accuses, BJP MLA was placing stress on the suicide of the stress, attorneys created a ruckus on the police station, police filed a case in opposition to 14 folks together with BJP MLA. Did it. The son of the deceased gave tahrir on the police station and accused many others, together with the BJP MLA, that their father had dedicated suicide on account of their stress. Mritak’s son’s in-laws have filed a dowry harassment case. For this, stress was being made to provide 1.5 million money to the woman aspect. Police didn’t register an FIR on the deceased’s son’s tahrir. On this, the attorneys reached the police station and created a ruckus and blocked the street. The District President of SP and the Chairman of the Pathik Sena additionally joined the jam. After an hour of commotion, the police registered an FIR, and the jam was opened. According to the knowledge, Omkar Tomar, a resident of Isha Puram of Ganganagar police station space, was the District General Secretary of the Advocate Council. On Saturday morning, Omkar Tomar hanged himself in the home. Police discovered suicide notice and cell phone from the physique pocket. Advocates, who arrived there on the information of Omkar Tomar’s dying, refused to point out suicide notes. The attorneys created a ruckus on this. Later, after the Suicide Note was sealed by the SSP, the attorneys calmed down. The Tehriar at Ganga Nagar police station adopted by the son of the deceased, Divyesh. It was advised in Tahrir that his brother Luv Kumar was married to Swati daughter Rajkumar, a resident of Khatauli final yr. After marriage, there was a dispute between the 2. Swati filed a dowry harassment case in opposition to her husband and in-laws at Khatauli police station. Since then, Swati’s household has been demanding the return of 1.5 million money, automobiles and items. The stress of giving 15 lakhs to the woman’s aspect is alleged that on February 7, BJP MLA from Hastinapur space Dinesh Khatik known as his father and members of the family at his farm home in Rajpura. The MLA was additionally accompanied by a number of different public representatives. It is alleged that the MLA misbehaved along with her father and threatened to kill her for not giving Rs 15 lakh to the woman’s aspect. It is alleged that the MLA Dinesh Khatik had pressurized the deceased by threatening him on the telephone. According to Divyesh, since then his father was underneath stress. According to Divyesh, some folks got here to his home on Friday too. They had advised that the MLA has despatched them. Those folks additionally threatened the daddy. The father dedicated suicide underneath this stress. Police continued to postpone submitting the case, saying that Tahrir of Devyesh was making an attempt to register a case, saying that the police server was down On getting details about this, the attorneys reached the police station and began committing uproar. Samajwadi Party district president Rajpal Singh and chief of the Pathik Sena Gurjar have been additionally reached there. Everybody filed a lawsuit and sat on the street demanding arrest of the accused. ‘UP police making an attempt to show Bette’s homicide was suicidal’, mom’s large cost was filed by police . Seeing the state of affairs worsening, the police registered a case in opposition to 14 folks, together with BJP MLA Dinesh Khatik. After this, the attorneys ended the jam. Also warned that if there isn’t a arrest of the accused, a giant agitation shall be organized. BJP MLA told- Conspiracy of opponents, BJP MLA Dinesh Khatik of Hastinapur says that this conspiracy has been performed on behalf of his political opponents. I, because the consultant of the deceased lawyer on the request of the deceased lawyer, tried to settle the 2 sides by making a compromise. Police ought to conduct a good investigation, I’ll cooperate absolutely within the investigation. .