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Rig Veda, Apollo statue, Mona Lisa discover place in ‘tradition hall’ of G20 Summit venue

5 min read


NEW DELHI: Certified authentic copies of the US’ Charters of Freedom, a ‘fahua’-lid jar from China and Panini’s grammar treatise “Ashtadhyayi” from India are among the many historic gadgets displayed on the Bharat Mandapam as a part of a G20 ‘tradition hall’.

The one-of-its-kind mission was unveiled on Saturday, coinciding with the opening of the summit.

The exhibition of artefacts — in bodily and digital kind — has been arrange on the identical flooring the place the leaders’ conferences occurred.

They walked by way of this hall whereas transferring into and out of the summit room.

The two-day G20 Summit attended by high world leaders ended on Sunday.

A New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration was adopted after the assembly on Saturday.

The ‘Culture Corridor – G20 Digital Museum’ was envisioned by the Union Ministry of Culture underneath India’s presidency of the bloc as a ‘phygital’ mission.


Manuscripts of the Rig Veda from India, a uncommon copy of the Magna Carta from the UK and an anamorphic digital picture of the Mona Lisa — the sixteenth century Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece on show on the Louvre in Paris — are among the many a number of artefacts being exhibited on the ‘tradition hall’.

Officials had earlier this month mentioned there was a plan to open the hall to the general public after the summit.

“India’s G20 presidency theme is ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakum’ and with this international project, we are walking the talk that the world is one family as we will display cultural objects from all 20 members and nine invited countries as part of this ‘culture corridor’, envisioned as a G20 legacy project, a ‘museum in the making’,” a supply had earlier mentioned.

As a part of this mission, conceptualised about six months in the past, India requested every G20 member and invited nation to make submissions underneath 4 classes — bodily object of cultural significance, “iconic cultural masterpiece” in digital format, high-resolution digital content material depicting the intangible heritage and pure heritage of every of the international locations.

The bodily objects have been loaned for a restricted interval, the supply had mentioned.

As an exhibition themed on the ‘Mother of Democracy’ is being additionally hosted to mark the summit, a fifth phase was added to the ‘tradition hall’ mission wherein an “ancient artefact related to democratic practices” in bodily or digital format was sought from every G20 member and invited nation.

In the thing of cultural significance class, India has displayed Panini’s “Ashtadhyayi”, the traditional grammar textual content sourced from the Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri National Sanskrit University, Delhi.

In the artefact associated to democratic practices class, the Rig Veda manuscript has been displayed.

In the long-lasting cultural masterpiece class, Bhimbhetka cave work from Madhya Pradesh, relationship again to roughly 30,000 years, are displayed in digital format, the official had mentioned.

In the artefact associated to democratic practices class, the US is sharing “original copies of the Charters of Freedom”, licensed by the American authorities.

The Charters of Freedom refer to a few historic 18th century paperwork of the US — the United States Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

After India’s presidency of the G20 ends, “this project will have an afterlife and it will be preserved in a digital form in a portal, also containing digital images of the physical objects,” a supply mentioned.

“We will be happy to offer it to countries subsequently assuming presidency (of the bloc),” he added.

NEW DELHI: Certified authentic copies of the US’ Charters of Freedom, a ‘fahua’-lid jar from China and Panini’s grammar treatise “Ashtadhyayi” from India are among the many historic gadgets displayed on the Bharat Mandapam as a part of a G20 ‘tradition hall’.

The one-of-its-kind mission was unveiled on Saturday, coinciding with the opening of the summit.

The exhibition of artefacts — in bodily and digital kind — has been arrange on the identical flooring the place the leaders’ conferences occurred.googletag.cmd.push(operate()‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2′); );

They walked by way of this hall whereas transferring into and out of the summit room.

The two-day G20 Summit attended by high world leaders ended on Sunday.

A New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration was adopted after the assembly on Saturday.

The ‘Culture Corridor – G20 Digital Museum’ was envisioned by the Union Ministry of Culture underneath India’s presidency of the bloc as a ‘phygital’ mission.


Manuscripts of the Rig Veda from India, a uncommon copy of the Magna Carta from the UK and an anamorphic digital picture of the Mona Lisa — the sixteenth century Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece on show on the Louvre in Paris — are among the many a number of artefacts being exhibited on the ‘tradition hall’.

Officials had earlier this month mentioned there was a plan to open the hall to the general public after the summit.

“India’s G20 presidency theme is ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakum’ and with this international project, we are walking the talk that the world is one family as we will display cultural objects from all 20 members and nine invited countries as part of this ‘culture corridor’, envisioned as a G20 legacy project, a ‘museum in the making’,” a supply had earlier mentioned.

As a part of this mission, conceptualised about six months in the past, India requested every G20 member and invited nation to make submissions underneath 4 classes — bodily object of cultural significance, “iconic cultural masterpiece” in digital format, high-resolution digital content material depicting the intangible heritage and pure heritage of every of the international locations.

The bodily objects have been loaned for a restricted interval, the supply had mentioned.

As an exhibition themed on the ‘Mother of Democracy’ is being additionally hosted to mark the summit, a fifth phase was added to the ‘tradition hall’ mission wherein an “ancient artefact related to democratic practices” in bodily or digital format was sought from every G20 member and invited nation.

In the thing of cultural significance class, India has displayed Panini’s “Ashtadhyayi”, the traditional grammar textual content sourced from the Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri National Sanskrit University, Delhi.

In the artefact associated to democratic practices class, the Rig Veda manuscript has been displayed.

In the long-lasting cultural masterpiece class, Bhimbhetka cave work from Madhya Pradesh, relationship again to roughly 30,000 years, are displayed in digital format, the official had mentioned.

In the artefact associated to democratic practices class, the US is sharing “original copies of the Charters of Freedom”, licensed by the American authorities.

The Charters of Freedom refer to a few historic 18th century paperwork of the US — the United States Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

After India’s presidency of the G20 ends, “this project will have an afterlife and it will be preserved in a digital form in a portal, also containing digital images of the physical objects,” a supply mentioned.

“We will be happy to offer it to countries subsequently assuming presidency (of the bloc),” he added.