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Putin’s Defence Minister suffers coronary heart assault ‘not from pure causes’ amid Ukraine struggle

2 min read

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has reportedly suffered a large coronary heart assault amid the struggle with Ukraine and foul play is being suspected.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has reportedly suffered a large coronary heart assault amid the struggle with Ukraine and foul play is being suspected.

Vladimir Putin’s Defence Minister, Sergei Shoigu, who has not been noticed for just a few days now, has reportedly suffered a large coronary heart assault ‘not from pure causes’. This comes as studies additionally claimed that 20 generals have been arrested for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has not been very profitable till now.

According to studies, Shoigu, who has been an in depth ally of Russian President Putin since 2012, has been lacking in motion for some weeks now.

Read: Russian President Putin’s closest aides below highlight after invasion of Ukraine

Russian-Israeli businessman Leonid Nevzlin additionally made a sensational declare a couple of main rift between Putin and his closest advisers and navy leaders.

Two days earlier than Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, a video of President Vladimir Putin began doing the rounds on social media. In the video, Putin was seen asking Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service chief Sergey Naryshkin to “speak plainly” about his stand on recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk as unbiased states.

Despite the truth that Naryshkin is counted amongst his closest aides, Russian President Vladimir Putin didn’t shrink back from publicly embarrassing certainly one of his top-ranking officers.

Another image going viral on social media reveals Putin sitting at a distance from Russia’s Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu and others throughout a gathering.

This led to hypothesis about variations of opinion between the Russian President and his prime officers. Many say Putin didn’t need any ambiguity with reference to Ukraine inside his internal circle.

Appointed the Minister of Defence in 2012, Sergey Shoigu was on the helm when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. A protracted-time confidante of Putin, many say Shoigu accompanies the Russian President on looking journeys.

Soon after Russian forces began pouring into Ukraine on February 24, it was Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu who put Russia’s “nuclear deterrent forces on high alert” on the course of President Vladimir Putin.