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Shamli News: Thrilling victory of BJP by one vote in Shamli district panchayat elections, uproar of opposition

1 min read

Shamli BJP received the attention-grabbing election of District Panchayat President in Shamli, Uttar Pradesh. BJP received the election by getting the required 10 votes to win. The Rashtriya Lok Dal and the Samajwadi Party, which claimed to have 13 members of their facet, couldn’t deal with their members. Sources say that two RLD rebels switched sides on the final minute and voted in favor of BJP candidate Madhu Gurjar. In this manner the BJP, which received 4 seats within the district panchayat, with the help of two RLDs and independents, destroyed the sturdy trying fortress of the opposition. Madhu Gurjar acquired 10, whereas Anjali acquired 9 votes. In Shamli, SP-RLD joint candidate Anjali reached the Collectorate voting at 11 o’clock within the morning together with SP chief Sher Singh Rana, RLD District President Yogendra Chairman together with their supported members. But solely 9 members reached in favor of SP-RLD together with Anjali. At the identical time it was determined that the BJP has acquired the higher hand. After the victory of BJP by one vote, the opposition began a ruckus accusing the administration of rigging the elections underneath strain from the ruling get together. In the election of Zilla Panchayat member, 5 members of RLD and two members of SP received. .