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USCIRF, which commonly peddles anti-India narrative, has a George Soros connection

5 min read

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has been on the helm of anti-India propaganda for a number of years. It has solid aspersions on the integrity of Indian establishments and peddled hysteria about an impending genocide in India.

USCIRF, which was created in 1998 by the Clinton administration, has been reporting on non secular freedom in India for the previous 20 years. The US federal authorities fee has been interfering in India’s inner affairs and portraying a falsified picture of India to the remainder of the world.

As per the web site (archive) of USCIRF, a civil rights lawyer named Arunima Bhargava served because the Chair of the Commission between December 11, 2018, and May 19, 2020. She was appointed to the place by Democratic chief Nancy Pelosi.

Screengrab of the profile of Arunima Bhargava on the USCIRF web site

Interestingly, Bhargava was the recipient of the ‘Leadership in Government Fellowship’, which was offered by the Open Society Foundations (OSF) run by Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros.

Arunima Bhargava and her views on Article 370, NRC

In a press release, Arunima Bhargava claimed, “We remain troubled by any government policies or actions that have the effect, whether intentional or not, of undermining religious freedom for vulnerable religious minorities.”

The USCIRF Chair alleged, “The National Register of Citizens verification process must not become a means to target and render stateless the Muslim community in northeastern India.”

She additionally insinuated that NRC will put ‘a higher burden for verification’ on Muslims and foster a harmful local weather for the group in India’s north-east area.

Anurima Bhargava runs a strategic advisory and consulting agency ‘Anthem of us’. The agency lists a lot of companion organisations. One of them – Sorors’s Open Society Foundations. Bhargava herself is a OSF Fellowship winner. 5/7

— Stop Hindu Hate Advocacy Network (SHHAN) (@HinduHate) June 4, 2022

Arunmia Bhargava additionally made comparable contentious remarks in regards to the Indian authorities’s landmark resolution to abrogate Article 370 of the structure. She had claimed, “The restrictions in Kashmir impacted the ability of people to practice their faith, visit their places of worship and exercise their rights.”

Bhargava has additionally been related to the Doc Society, which in flip is related to the Open Society Foundation of George Soros and the American non-public basis Ford.

Open Society Foundations has prolonged help to the likes of ‘journalist’ Rana Ayyub over a withheld tweet. Doc Society, supported by George Soros, has additionally funded the documentary movie on NDTV News anchor Ravish Kumar titled ‘While We Watched’.

So Arunima Bhargava is lively with Kejriwal, Ravish Kumar, Rana Ayyub, Hindus for Human Rights, Indo American Muslim Council, FIACONA, Ford Foundation, Doc Society, USCIRF, she is near Biden Administration & is lady behind

— Alok Bhatt (@alok_bhatt) November 17, 2022
USCIRF and its vendetta in opposition to India

Prior to the laws on the Citizenship Amendment Bill in 2019, USCIRF appealed to the US authorities to impose sanctions on India.

In a press release, USCIRF stated, “The CAB is a dangerous turn in the wrong direction; it runs counter to India’s rich history of secular pluralism and the Indian Constitution, which guarantees equality before the law regardless of faith.”

It additional threatened, “If the CAB passes in both houses of parliament, the US government should consider sanctions against the Home Minister and other principal leadership.”

Full assertion by MEA on US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) on the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill (CAB)

— Sidhant Sibal (@sidhant) December 10, 2019

In actuality, Citizenship Amendment Bill (now an Act) is supposed to fast-track the citizenship of non secular minorities (from close by Islamic Republics of Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan) residing illegally within the nation on or earlier than December 31, 2014.

From 2020 onwards, USCIRF has continued to classify India as a ‘country of particular concern.’ In November 2022, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) revealed a report citing the ‘dubious’ Tek Fog allegation for instance of an absence of non secular freedom in India.

The report claimed, “The BJP has also been accused of using ‘Tek Fog,’ a highly sophisticated app utilized by online operatives to hijack major social media and encrypted messaging platforms to amplify hate speech and exacerbate sectarian divides.”

This was although the unique purveyor of the pretend declare i.e. The Wire took down the story a month previous to the publication of the USCIRF report. It thus turns into evident that the Commission is extremely prejudiced in opposition to India and can stoop to any stage to additional its baseless claims.

George Soros and his nefarious anti-India agenda

George Soros has a number of intellectuals on his payroll, together with the previous PM Manmohan Singh’s daughter Amrita Singh. Not to overlook the curious case of ‘author’ and ‘social activist’ Harsh Mander who had been on the forefront of creating civil unrest throughout the Anti-CAA protests.

In 2018, George Soros-funded NGO, Sherpa, had tried to thwart India’s protection cope with France and stall the supply of Rafale fighter jets.

Moreover, Open Society Foundations (OSF) run by the billionaire had funded the Socio-Legal Information Centre (SLIC), which had been lively in looking for the repeal of the sedition regulation presently used in opposition to anti-India parts.

In September 2019, George Soros additionally met Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan shortly after US President Donald Trump attended Narendra Modi’s ‘Howdy Modi’ occasion in Houston, Texas.

Interestingly, he’s additionally pals with distinguished Congressman Shashi Tharoor, who additionally occurs to have a Pakistani connection. In 2021, there was a hullabaloo in India over allegations of snooping by the Modi authorities by way of using Israeli spy ware, Pegasus.

These allegations stemmed from a report by the leftist-propaganda information outlet, The Wire, which in flip was fed the story by ‘Forbidden Stories (FS). Coincidentally, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF) occurs to be one of many donors of the group.

George Soros had been unabashed in his try and gasoline a harmful anti-India narrative by way of media and ‘civil society. Organizations funded by him performed a key function in creating chaos and unrest underneath the pretext of anti-farm regulation protests.

In 1999, the Open Society Foundation started actions in India by offering scholarships and fellowships to pursue research and analysis at Indian faculties. Through the OSF, George Soros made vital contributions in direction of the unfold of instability in India.

The Hungarian-American billionaire has additionally tried to make use of worldwide establishments, that are funded by him, together with Freedom House and  V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy) Institute to tarnish the picture of India at a world stage.