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UK: Pakistani origin ‘Lord’ Nazir Ahmed sentenced to five.5 years in jail for raping kids

3 min read

On Friday (February 4), former UK Parliamentarian Lord Nazir Ahmed was sentenced to five years and 6 months of imprisonment on prices of kid sexual abuse. The Pakistani origin politician was convicted final month for trying to rape a younger woman and sexually assaulting a boy beneath the age of 11 within the Seventies.
As per experiences, Lord Nazir Ahmed was discovered responsible of 1 depend of buggery and two counts of tried rape. While studying out his sentence, Justice Lavender remarked, “Your actions have had profound and lifelong effects on the girl and the boy, who have lived with what you did to them for between 46 and 53 years. Their statements express more eloquently than I ever could how your actions have affected their lives in so many different and damaging ways.”
During the trial, the jury had additionally discovered that Ahmed’s brothers Farouq (71) and Tariq (66) had additionally sexually assaulted the male sufferer, whom the previous Parliamentarian had abused. However, they have been deemed unfit to face trial.
Victim calls for UK Parliament to strip youngster sexual abuser of his ‘Lord’ title
Although the victims have expressed satisfaction over the sentencing, the male sufferer has referred to as for stripping the previous Labour Party chief of his peerage (title of Lord Ahmed of Rotherham). “I’m happy in that he got a lengthy custodial sentence, but not happy he is still called a lord and everything that goes with it. It cannot be right that people are still referring to him honourable Lord Ahmed – he’s a paedophile, there is nothing honourable about that at all.”
It should be talked about that Lord Nazir Ahmed can not technically be stripped of his peerage, owing to a authorized anomaly and the UK authorities must amend the regulation to facilitate such a factor. The male sufferer additionally learn out a private assertion concerning the influence of the sexual abuse dedicated by ‘Lord’ Nazir Ahmed and his 2 brothers.
“I buried the abuse and carried it with me on my own for years and years. I feel shame because of what these men did to me. This is not about revenge, this is about justice,” he remarked. The male sufferer mentioned that the abuse left him traumatised and he couldn’t present affection to his personal kids.
The feminine sufferer narrated, “An overwhelming feeling of shame remained with me throughout my childhood and early adult years. It was a burden I was made to carry, and it silenced me for many years. It is now time for me to pass that burden to him – the paedophile who I know feels no personal shame.” She added that the 5 years’ sentence would stop Lord Nazir Ahmed from ‘raping children for a while’.
Lord Nazir Ahmed and his anti-India marketing campaign
Lord Nazir Ahmed, the face of the anti-India marketing campaign and Kashmiri separatists within the UK, was born in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and later moved to the UK. Nazir has been within the vanguard of a nasty anti-India marketing campaign, giving venomous remarks in opposition to India over the Kashmir battle on quite a few events. He’s additionally been a vocal supporter of separatist Khalistani organisations.
During the 69th Republic Day celebrations on the workplace of the High Commission of India in 2018, Ahmed organised a ‘Black day’ protest during which Pakistani protesters tore Indian flags by hand and shredded them underfoot. Ahmed had additionally employed 5 personal billboard vans with slogans equivalent to ‘Free Kashmir,’ ‘Free Khalistan,’ ‘Free Assam,’ ‘Free Nagaland,’ and ‘Free Manipur.’
In August 2018, he was one of many key audio system on the contentious ‘Khalistani Referendum 2020’ occasion in London’s Trafalgar Square. Many Indians, nonetheless, gathered to carry a counter-protest and present their open assist for India’s sovereignty. During Prime Minister Modi’s go to to the United Kingdom in 2018, it was reported that Nazir Ahmed supported an anti-India marketing campaign by Kashmiri and Sikh separatists.
According to experiences, some British Sikhs and Kashmiri separatists deliberate an anti-India marketing campaign within the UK throughout Prime Minister Modi’s April 2018 go to to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. Lord Nazir is reported to have funded the protest.