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Penis-headed statue of Vladimir Putin erected in UK village, egged

2 min read

A penis-headed statue of Russian President Vladimir Putin was erected at a village in England with the inscription ‘Bellend of the yr’.

New Delhi,UPDATED: Dec 17, 2022 09:17 IST

State of Russian President Vladimir Putin with a penis-head

By India Today Web Desk: As Russian missiles rain on Ukraine, a village in England erected a statue of Russian President Vladimir Putin with a penis on its head. The statue was put in in England’s Bell End village and Putin’s statue was marked with a “Bellend of the year” inscription. ‘Bellend’ is English slang for an annoying or silly individual.

The statue was put in as a protest towards the ten-month-long invasion of Ukraine by the Russian forces and appeared on December 15. As the statue stood subsequent to a road signal, cartons of eggs have been stored subsequent to it so passersby might hurl them on the construction.

Eggs have been stored subsequent to the statue so individuals can throw them (Photo: PA media)

The protest’s organisers instructed PA information company that they wanted to award anyone with the Bellend of the Year award and thought there was one one who has “universally been a bellend this year – and that’s Vladimir Putin”.

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The organisers stated the statue was well-received and added that folks willingly threw eggs on the statue and did it “quite happily”.


The organisers instructed The Sun that they plan to promote miniatures of the statue to lift cash for a charity supporting Ukrainian refugees. They stated they needed to do their bit to assist out after seeing the devastation that has occurred in Ukraine over the course of the yr.

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Edited By:

chingkheinganbi mayengbam

Published On:

Dec 17, 2022