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Pakistan’s Punjab Assembly dissolves; nominations for caretaker CM requested by Jan 17

2 min read

Pakistan’s Punjab Assembly on Saturday night stood dissolved after Punjab Governor Balighur Rehman refused to signal an recommendation of CM Chaudhry Parvez Elahi. The governor additionally invited CM Elahi and Leader of the Opposition, Hamza Shahbaz to start out the method of the appointment of the caretaker chief minister.

Lahore,UPDATED: Jan 15, 2023 09:58 IST

CM Ch Parvez Elahi addresses the House after taking the vote of confidence from the Punjab Assembly, Pakistan. (Photo: Twitter/@ @ChParvezElahi)

By Press Trust of India: Pakistan’s Punjab Assembly on Saturday night stood dissolved after Punjab Governor Balighur Rehman refused to signal an recommendation of Chief Minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi.

Elahi on the “wish” of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf chairman Imran Khan on Thursday had despatched the recommendation to dissolve the meeting. As the governor didn’t signal the dissolution abstract, it stood dissolved 48 hours (Saturday night) from the time the CM despatched it to governor as per the Constitution.

The governor mentioned in a tweet: “I have decided not to become part of the process leading to the dissolution of Punjab Assembly. I would rather let the Constitution and law take its own course. Doing so will not hamper any legal process as the Constitution clearly provides a way forward.”

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The governor additionally invited CM Elahi and Leader of the Opposition within the PA, Hamza Shahbaz (son of prime minister Shehbaz Sharif), to start out the method of the appointment of the caretaker chief minister. He requested them to submit their nominations by January 17.

Elahi, a joint candidate of ousted premier Imran Khan’s celebration Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) and PML-Q, signed the dissolution of the PA abstract hours after he managed to acquire a vote of confidence.

Imran Khan mentioned the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly will even be dissolved in a few days. The transfer is aimed toward pushing the PMLN-led federal authorities to name snap polls. Khan says solely contemporary polls can steer the nation out of financial disaster.

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The federal authorities insists that common elections can be held after the completion of the tenure of the federal government in August.

Meanwhile, PMLN supreme chief Nawaz Sharif presided over a celebration assembly in Lahore on Saturday night by means of a video hyperlink from London the place he has been residing in a self-exile since November 2019.

“Nawaz Sharif has directed the party leaders and workers to start preparations for elections in Punjab. He also asked PM Shehbaz Sharif to constitute a parliamentary board for award of tickets,” PMLN spokesperson and Federal Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb mentioned.

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Published On:

Jan 15, 2023