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Pakistan shuts down social media web sites from 11 AM to three PM

2 min read

The Imran Khan-led Pakistan authorities has taken the choice to close down social media web sites and messaging purposes like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all through Pakistan from 11 AM to three PM, in line with Pakistani media sources.
This determination has been reportedly taken in an effort to fight the deteriorating legislation and order state of affairs in Pakistan. The social media ban comes amid stories that Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan is planing an enormous spherical of protests following the Friday prayers immediately.
On Wednesday, the Pakistani authorities introduced its ban of Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), whose supporters and members have been violently protesting because the arrest of their chief, Saad Hussain Rizvi, on Monday.
PEMRA, Pakistan’s media regulatory authority, has blocked all TV channels in Pakistan from offering any protection of this now-banned Islamist group.
Pakistan has been gripped in violence the previous few days as a result of TLP chief Saad Hussain Rizvi urged his followers by a video message on Sunday to protest and hit the roads towards the federal government if the TLP’s calls for should not fulfilled. This name for a national protest led to his arrest at round 2 pm on Wahdat Road in Lahore. TLP has been demanding that Pakistan ought to expel the French ambassador to the nation, in protest towards France govt supporting the appropriate of individuals to publish drawings and cartoons of Muhammad, and the robust motion towards Islamic radicalism within the nation.
Following Rizvi’s arrest, a big mob of his supporters blocked the Grand Trunk Road at a number of junctions. Major cities akin to Islamabad, Lahore, Gujranwala, and Peshawar had been lower off from the remainder of the nation. The Islamists had additionally blocked motorways, highways, practice tracks and clashed with the police, leading to two deaths.