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Missile from Syria lands in Israel, triggers Israel strike

3 min read

A Syrian anti-aircraft missile landed in southern Israel early Thursday, setting off air raid sirens close to the nation’s top-secret nuclear reactor, the Israeli army mentioned. In response, it mentioned it attacked the missile launcher and air-defense programs in neighboring Syria.
Israeli media later described the Syrian missile as an “errant” projectile, not a deliberate assault deep inside Israel. In current years, Israel has repeatedly launched air strikes at Syria, together with at army targets linked to foes Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, each allies of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Such strikes routinely draw Syrian anti-aircraft hearth. Thursday’s alternate was uncommon as a result of the Syrian projectile landed deep inside Israel.
Syria’s state information company SANA mentioned the alternate started with an Israeli air strike on Dumeir, a suburb of the capital of Damascus. Dumeir is believed to accommodate Syrian military installations and batteries in addition to bases and weapons depots belonging to Iran-backed militias. SANA mentioned 4 troopers have been wounded.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition battle monitoring group primarily based in Britain that tracks Syria’s civil battle, mentioned the Israeli strikes hit an air protection base belonging to the Syrian army and destroyed air protection batteries within the space. It mentioned the Syrian army fired surface-to-air missiles in response.
Syrian media made no point out of an anti-aircraft missile touchdown deep inside Israel.
The Israeli army described the projectile that landed close to the nuclear website as a surface-to-air missile, which is normally used for air protection in opposition to warplanes or different missiles. That might counsel the Syrian missile had focused Israeli warplanes however missed and flew off errantly. However, Dimona, the Negev desert city the place Israel’s nuclear reactor is situated, is a few 300 kilometers (185 miles) south of Damascus, an extended vary for an errantly fired surface-to-air missile.
The Israeli military mentioned it had deployed a missile protection system however couldn’t verify if the incoming missile was intercepted, although it mentioned there had been no harm. The air raid sirens have been sounded in Abu Krinat, a village just some kilometers (miles) from Dimona. Explosions heard throughout Israel might need been the air-defense programs.
Israel TV’s Channel 13 reported that obvious missile fragments have been present in a swimming pool in Ashalim, a group roughly 20 miles (32 kilometers) southwest of Dimona.

The army mentioned that in response to the incoming missile, it launched an air strike on the battery that launched the anti-aircraft missile and different surface-to-air batteries in Syria.
The alternate between Israel and Syria comes in opposition to the backdrop of rising tensions between Israel and Iran, a key ally of Syria. Iran, which maintains troops and proxies in Syria, has accused Israel of a collection of assaults on its nuclear amenities, together with sabotage at its Natanz nuclear facility on April 11, and vowed revenge. It additionally threatened to complicate U.S.-led makes an attempt to revive the worldwide nuclear take care of Iran.