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It is tasteless: McDonald’s to take away McCrispy signal subsequent to UK crematorium

2 min read

The signal promoting McDonald’s McCrispy sandwich was positioned subsequent to the publicly-owned Penmount Crematorium in Cornwall in England.

London,UPDATED: Feb 12, 2023 13:58 IST

Following the controversy sparked by the commercial, McDonald’s has now stated it’ll take away the signal (Photo: Representational)

By India Today Web Desk: After dealing with backlash, US fast-food restaurant chain McDonald’s stated an commercial for its McCrispy sandwich on a bus shelter reverse a crematorium close to Truro in England shall be eliminated, a report stated.

The signal, promoting McDonald’s McCrispy sandwich was positioned subsequent to publicly-owned Penmount Crematorium in Cornwall, England, reported Cornwall Live.

Although just a few who noticed the promoting hoarding on the busy A39 street discovered it hilarious, others worry it might upset grieving households, the report stated. The poster positioned behind the signal pointing to the crematorium was labelled as ‘tasteless’ by offended locals.

“Although I can see the funny side [of the advertisement], it is tasteless, and I’m sure some grieving family members won’t like to see it when visiting Penmount for the funeral and cremation of a loved one, “a woman whose mother-in-law was cremated at the crematorium last year said.

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“I think how funny it is will probably depend on how long ago you followed the crematorium sign wearing a black tie,” another person quipped.

An individual who discovered the positioning of the commercial hilarious stated, “Fell off the chair laughing.” Another individual could not help but make the classic pun ‘I’m lovin’ it’ – McDonald’s well-known slogan.

It wasn’t immediately clear how long the sign had been up and when it would be removed.

Following the controversy sparked by the advertisement, McDonald’s has now said it will remove the sign. McDonald’s said that they are taking the serious matter into consideration.

“We had been unaware of the street signal within the neighborhood of this bus cease. However, in mild of the considerations raised by CornwallLive, we’ve got requested for our commercial to be eliminated,” an organization spokesperson stated.

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Published On:

Feb 12, 2023