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Indian-origin man jailed for hacking into computer systems of 600 girls

2 min read

Essex-based Akash Sondhi, who hacked into the pc accounts of almost 600 younger girls to use them for his gratification has been sentenced to 11 years in jail for blackmail, voyeurism and cybercrimes, officers mentioned on Wednesday.The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) mentioned that after gaining unauthorised entry to among the accounts, Sondhi, 27, went additional in his plan to regulate his victims and proceeded to blackmail and threaten them between December 2016 and March 2020. Sondhi advised them if they didn’t ship him nude photos of themselves, he would publish intimate photos of them to their family and friends. Some of the younger girls complied along with his requests and in at the least six circumstances he carried out his threats.He gained unauthorised entry to tons of of social media accounts, particularly Snapchat. Numerous his victims skilled severe emotional and psychological hurt within the aftermath of his despicable actions, with one sufferer trying suicide.Joseph Stickings of the CPS, mentioned: “Akash Sondhi is an extremely manipulative man who inflicted emotional and psychological damage on young women while also getting gratification from their images and videos.”“Following a diligent and thorough investigation conducted by the Essex Police Cyber Crime Unit the CPS was able to build a comprehensive case of 65 counts reflecting the high level of his offending”. He added: “I would like to thank all of the women who bravely came forward to tell of their traumatic experiences at the hands of Akash Sondhi. Their accounts provided strong evidence and the CPS were able to create such a compelling prosecution case that Akash Sondhi pleaded guilty to all counts.”