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News at Another Perspective

Giuliani’s Dripping Hair Dye; Awkward Zoom Call; Fly On Pence

2 min read

Ever since Covid-19 became the overarching theme of 2020, several world leaders have repeatedly made ridiculous and often bizarre statements or embroiled themselves in controversy of some sort or the other. 2020 will surely be remembered historically as one of the most chaotic years. From Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe resigning suddenly to Bolsonaro calling horrifying Amazon fires “a lie”, here are some of the strangest and indigestible moments and actions of politicians across the globe.

Bolsonaro sparked worldwide outrage earlier this year after he called the Amazon fire a “lie”. The President’s comment came as reports of a rise in Amazon forest fire this year emerged. Brazil’s national space research agency Inpe had said that scale of the wildfire in the Amazon rainforest has gone up by 17 per cent this year in August as compared to the same period last year. However, Bolsonaro dismissed his own space agency’s findings as a “lie”, and then as his neighbours called for action, he challenged them to fly above the forest and see for themselves.

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe formally confirmed his resignation and announced that he will be stepping down effective immediately, citing personal health reasons. In his final speech as PM, he said, ‘I want to send my apology to the people, as I step down as Prime Minister, there is no guarantee that my health gets better.’

US President Donald Trump’s first son, Donald Trump Jr mispronounced personal protective equipment (PPE) as “P, P, and E” while campaigning for father at Republican National Convention 2020. Trump Jr talked about the “quick action” that the US President took in response to COVID-19 pandemic like delivering equipment to healthcare facilities. However, a section of his enthusiastic speech had gone viral on the internet when he mentioned PPE in the wrong sequence. Here’s the clip: