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Echoes of Trump at a rally for France’s far-right upstart

5 min read

The speech, riddled with assaults on the information media, elites and immigrants, with a fiery orator whipping up 1000’s of flag-waving supporters, was harking back to a Donald Trump marketing campaign cease from years previous.
But the scene was in France, final weekend, the place Éric Zemmour, a polarizing far-right polemicist who has scrambled French politics, launched his presidential marketing campaign with a rally in entrance of 1000’s of ardent supporters.
“On est chez nous!” (“This is our home!”), they chanted in a cavernous conference middle crammed with spotlights, audio system and large screens in Villepinte, a suburb northeast of Paris.
At one level through the rally, anti-racism activists have been attacked within the form of brawl hardly ever seen at French political occasions. Earlier within the day, followers booed a tv information crew, forcing it to be quickly evacuated, and several other journalists reported being insulted and crushed.
The end result of Zemmour’s marketing campaign stays unclear 4 months earlier than France’s presidential election, with President Emmanuel Macron nonetheless forward within the polls, and fierce competitors rising from the proper. But the rally provided a glimpse of the place the election might head, and which Trumpian tones it might take.

Unlike Marine Le Pen, the candidate of the normal far proper, who has lengthy sought success by softening her social gathering’s far-right views, Zemmour has wager {that a} full-on promotion of his reactionary concepts can gas his rise.
He has executed so by mastering the codes of social and information media, and by interesting to a considerably wealthier and extra educated base than the normal far proper. Recent polls counsel this method has labored; about 15% of French voters say they intend to vote for him within the first spherical of voting.

“He’s the one who breaks a dam,” mentioned Vincent Martigny, a professor of political science on the University of Nice. Voters who as soon as balked at supporting Le Pen have now embraced his extra extremist concepts, Martigny mentioned.
But this quest to stake out a place on the acute proper may additionally backfire, as proven eventually Sunday’s rally, when dozens of his supporters attacked anti-racism activists. The violent brawl might stain his picture and undermine his makes an attempt to broaden his electoral base, in accordance with political analysts.
Still, as with Trump, no scandal thus far has executed any lasting harm to Zemmour’s political ambitions as he faucets into widespread fears that French id is being whittled away by immigration. Those fears have been heightened by a variety of terrorist assaults in recent times, some dedicated by the kids of immigrants.
Last Sunday’s crowd of about 12,000 folks within the Villepinte conference middle mirrored among the forces which have fueled the candidate’s meteoric rise — upper-middle-class voters and a few segments of an informed, prosperous youth.
Men near retirement age in looking jackets and loafers waved French flags and cheered alongside younger folks wearing crisp polo shirts; many displayed Roman Catholic crosses round their necks.
“Zemmour is someone who can actually make our ideas triumph and save France,” mentioned Marc Perreti, a 19-year-old scholar from Neuilly-sur-Seine, a rich suburb of Paris.
In distinction with the prosperous voters seen at Zemmour’s rally, Le Pen’s assist comes primarily from the working class. A current examine confirmed Zemmour scoring properly among the many higher center class, at 16% in contrast with 6% for Le Pen.
There was widespread nodding on the rally when Zemmour talked of France’s “great downgrading, with the impoverishment of the French, the decline of our power and the collapse of our school.”
Martigny, the political scientist, mentioned Zemmour was the product of “culture wars” that had step by step unfold far-right concepts throughout society, particularly by means of Fox News-style information networks, clearing “a space for a Trumpian player in the French political life.”
“They have understood that there is no lasting political victory without a prior cultural victory,” Martigny mentioned of Zemmour’s group.
This cultural win was evident in Villepinte, the place many supporters referred to Zemmour’s books and TV appearances as eye-opening experiences. Some wore baseball caps studying “Ben voyons!” — a rejoinder that Zemmour typically makes use of to dismiss criticism and that roughly interprets to “Oh, come on!” The crowd even chanted the phrase when Zemmour, talking from his lectern, mocked these accusing him of being a fascist.
Antoine Diers, a spokesperson for Zemmour’s marketing campaign, mentioned that though France and the United States have been two totally different international locations, they’d “obviously” checked out Trump’s 2016 presidential run “because it was a success.”
Raphaël Llorca, a French communications professional and member of the Fondation Jean-Jaurès analysis institute, mentioned Zemmour had efficiently waged a “battle of the cool” designed to popularize his excessive concepts and “reduce the cost of adherence” to the far proper.
Zemmour’s theatrical entrance into the conference middle, to the sound of dramatic music, did little to eclipse the truth that he has thus far did not garner assist from any main political determine or social gathering. This stays a serious distinction from Trump, who might depend on the highly effective Republican Party and strong monetary backing.
Zemmour mentioned he was the goal of the media and the elites. He praised the group earlier than him for standing as much as these assaults. “The political phenomenon of these rallies, it’s not me, it’s you!” he shouted.
But a few of his supporters may also show to be his best legal responsibility.
Midway by means of his speech, dozens of sturdy militants threw punches at a number of activists from SOS Racisme, an anti-racism group, who had stood on chairs on the rally and revealed T-shirts spelling out the phrase “NO TO RACISM.”
The French information media later reported that a few of those that had attacked the anti-racism activists have been neo-Nazi militants. As they chased down the activists towards the doorway corridor, sporting black mufflers that hid their faces, they have been stopped by a safety employees member.
“Thank you for being there,” he advised them. “You did the job!”