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Canadian author Gad Saad delighted after receiving a letter from PM Modi

4 min read

Author Gad Saad has obtained a letter from Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the event of the 73rd Republic Day of India. The overwhelmed author who obtained the letter on twenty sixth January 2022 has posted a video to precise his gratitude in direction of PM Modi and all Indians. While he wished them again for Republic Day, Gad Saad has additionally underlined that PM Modi is the primary politician he adopted on Twitter.
PM Modi has written letters to many eminent personalities on the earth on the event of the 73rd Republic Day of India. Gad Saad is one in all them. The Canada-based author is well-known for his guide ‘The Parasitic Mind’. In the video he shared, he has stated “Last night I was looking through my emails. I was going through the huge number of emails that I had to respond to. And then I saw the following email.”
India’s High Commissioner in Canada knowledgeable him concerning the letter from PM Modi
Next on this video, he’s seen studying the textual content of the letter he had obtained. He stated, “Letter from the Prime Minister Honorable Narendra Modi to be delivered. I was like, oh! What is all this about? Good afternoon Dr. Gad Saad. We have received a letter for you from our Prime Minister Honorable Narendra Modi on the occasion of our Republic Day January 26th and we would like to deliver it to you personally with flowers. Would you be kind enough to let us know of your availability in order to deliver it to you? Our high commissioner Ajay Bisaria would also like to either meet with you or speak with you on the phone at your [email protected] Thank you. Stay safe and have a wonderful evening. Warm regards! Then the person signs from the high commission of India in Canada and so I have been going back and forth.”
After studying out the official letter, Gad Saad has additional knowledgeable his followers on this video saying “Earlier today I have received the letter. I have just posted it on social media and read it out for you here.” After this, the well-known creator is seen studying the letter PM Modi had written to him.
What PM Modi has written within the letter to Gad Saad
In this letter, it’s stated that “Dear Mr. Gad Saad, Namaste from India! On the 26th of January every year, we mark our Republic Day. This is the day the Constitution of India came into being, after extensive deliberations by our esteemed Constituent Assembly. I would like to convey Republic Day greetings to you. 26th January this year is even more special because it is happening at a time when India marks 75 years since freedom from colonial rule. Thus, I decided to write to you and a few other friends of India, with a sense of gratitude for your affection towards India and hope that you continue to work closely with our nation as well as our people.”
In his letter, PM Modi has additional stated “Writers and thinkers serve society by pushing the boundaries of thought. In a way, such people are explorers who embark on an adventure of the mind and take others along with them, through their power of articulation. There are no limits to what people who know themselves can achieve. Your books and thoughts have helped a number of people understand themselves and their own minds better. India is witnessing a series of historic socio-economic transformations. I am confident these will empower lives and contribute to the global good.”
PM Modi has written a letter to author Gad Saad.Overwhelemed Gad Saad’s responded to the letter by the video
After sharing the letter on Twitter, Gad Saad additional tweeted “I just followed the first politician ever on Twitter (if memory serves me right) Narendra Modi, the PM of India. I’m about to do a SAAD TRUTH clip on my show as a thank you to the incredible letter that I received from PM Modi today.”
I simply adopted the primary politician ever on Twitter (if reminiscence serves me proper), @narendramodi, the PM of India. I’m about to do a SAAD TRUTH clip on my present as a thanks to the unimaginable letter that I obtained from PM Modi at the moment.— Gad Saad (@GadSaad) January 26, 2022
In his video response to the letter, Gad Saad stated “This is from Prime Minister Modi who leads the largest democracy in the world, that is 1.38 billion people if I am not mistaken. So it is a rather humbling gesture that one receives when one knows that your work is being appreciated by someone with such a powerful political position. I am truly touched and truly humbled. It almost left me speechless. It comes with the stamp and emblem from the Prime Minister’s office.”

Wishing again PM Modi and all Indians on the event of Republic Day, he additional stated “India is a great country with a great culture and great knowledge. I see many similarities between us jews and Indian society. This is one of those moments in life for which you truly are left speechless. If you are a good person, you honestly work hard, You do things that matter, you have a purpose and meaning then hopefully people appreciate it and maybe one day you see a letter sent to you from the Prime Minister of India. Prime Minister, you can’t imagine how touched I am, how honored I am, how humbled I am. I do hope to meet you one day in person. Once again my infinite gratitude and thanks for such a gesture. I know how busy you are leading a country of 1.38 billion people that you would take a few minutes to think of me and write me this letter is an immense gesture that I shall not forget. Thank you so much. Happy Republic Day to you and all Indians. Cheers!”