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British PM Boris Johnson, FM Rishi Sunak to be fined for violating Covid lockdown guidelines

1 min read

British PM Boris Johnson and Finance Minister Rishi Sunak are to be fined for violating Covid lockdown guidelines.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and chancellor of the exchequer Rishi Sunak (Reuters photograph)

A press release from the British Prime Minister’s workplace stated that PM Boris Johnson and chancellor of the exchequer Rishi Sunak are to obtain fixed-penalty notices for violating Covid legal guidelines throughout lockdown.

An official spokesperson stated, “The prime minister and chancellor of the exchequer have today received notification that the Metropolitan police intend to issue them with fixed penalty notices. We have no further details, but we will update you again when we do.”

The fines relate to events held in Downing Street throughout lockdown and are anticipated to incorporate a gathering in June 2020 within the cabinet room for Johnson’s birthday.

In January of this 12 months, senior civil servant Sue Gray revealed findings on 4 gatherings by the prime minister and his workers throughout lockdown in 2020 and 2021.

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Gray’s findings acted as a blow to Johnson who had beforehand stated the principles have been adopted always. She additionally stated the conclusions have been associated to only 4 of the 16 occasions she investigated.

Among the occasions that have been below police investigation have been a June 2020 party for Johnson in Downing Street and two gatherings held on the eve of Prince Philip’s funeral in April 2021.

(With inputs from The Guardian)