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Afghanistan: India to evacuate diplomats and Indian residents from Mazar-e-Sharif on August 10

1 min read

As the Taliban continues to advance and take management of bigger swathes of Afghanistan each passing day, the Indian authorities is evacuating Indian residents in Afghanistan earlier than the scenario worsens. As per the most recent report, the Indian consulate in Mazar-e-Sharif has introduced {that a} particular aircraft will go away for Delhi immediately and Indian nationals in and across the Afghan metropolis ought to contact the consulate to board the flight and go away Afghanistan as quickly as doable.
Tweet by the Indian consulate in Mazar-e-SharifIt’s reported that Indian diplomats too can be evacuated from the consulate at Mazar-e-Sharif. Earlier, Indian diplomats had vacated the consulate at Kandahar. Over 50 officers and safety personnel had been evacuated from the Kandahar consulate lately.
As per experiences, the Ministry of External Affairs is but to say something formally on the matter. The Indian embassy at Kabul remains to be open.
Taliban takes management of 5 main cities in simply 3 days
On Sunday (August 8), the Islamic terror outfit Taliban captured three provincial capitals, the strategic cities of Kunduz, Taloqan and Sar-e-Pul. A day earlier on Saturday (August 7), the Taliban took management of most of Sheberghan, together with the provincial authorities buildings. On Friday, August 6, the Taliban had captured the town of Zaranj within the Nimroz province, thus extending their stronghold from southern provinces to the Northern provinces.