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Kondagaon: Women of Village Bolbola wrote a new story of self-reliance

5 min read

Women changed their lives with animal husbandry, manure making, mahua laddu construction, e-rickshaw operations

Turning challenges into opportunities is the key to success. And it is well known that this basic mantra has been performed well by women power. Those women of village Bolbola of Kondagaon block, who had not crossed the doors of their house for any other work than farming and household. Today, the same rural women are entering the new self-employment sector and writing a new version of self-employment. District Panchayat, about 23 km from Kondagaon, has a total population of 1932 and a family of 397 in Gram Panchayat Bolbola. Out of which 245 families are connected with Chhattisgarh State Rural Livelihood Mission “Bihan”. A total of 29 women self-help groups have been formed in this small village at present. Among these groups are Bamleshwari Self Help Group, Gayatri Mahila Self Help Group, Mahila Bachao Self Sahasa, Shitala Mata Late Sahasa, Sarada Self Sahasa, Maa Parvati Swa Saha. , Dhanalakshmi late. Unity self-help, Tulsi self-help, Vaishnavi mother self-help, Durga self-help, Ujala self-help, new light self-help, Danteshwari Naidu Late Sahasa, Jalani Swa Sa.hasa, Maa Danteshwari Swa Sahayasa, Radhakrishna Swaha, Saraswati, Jai Ma Maya Devi Swa Saha. C., Pragati self-help, mother hinglajin mother self-help He is the chief who has joined the Chhattisgarh Rural Livelihood Mission and has found a way for self-sufficiency for the group. It is necessary to mention here that all these women members are fully domestic and agricultural. In the past, traditional farming was busy in farming. Obviously, only the family is able to maintain the income from traditional agriculture. But today the women have joined the Bihaan and found new ways of livelihood. Jalni Self. ., Ma Hinglajin Mata late He is the chief who has joined the Chhattisgarh Rural Livelihood Mission and has found a way for self-sufficiency for the group. It is necessary to mention here that all these women members are fully domestic and agricultural. In the past, traditional farming was busy in farming. Obviously, only the family is able to maintain the income from traditional agriculture. But today the women have joined the Bihaan and found new ways of livelihood. Jalni Self.Es, Maa Danteshwari Self.E.S., Radhakrishna Self.E.S., Saraswati S.E.S.S., Jai Maa Maya Devi Self.E.S., Pragati S.C. ., Ma Hinglajin Mata late He is the chief who has joined the Chhattisgarh Rural Livelihood Mission and has found a way for self-sufficiency for the group. It is necessary to mention here that all these women members are fully domestic and agricultural. In the past, traditional farming was busy in farming. Obviously, only the family is able to maintain the income from traditional agriculture. But today the women have joined the Bihaan and found new ways of livelihood. C State has joined the Rural Livelihood Mission to find a way of self-sufficiency for the group. It is necessary to mention here that all these women members are fully domestic and agricultural. In the past, traditional farming was busy in farming. Obviously, only the family is able to maintain the income from traditional agriculture. But today the women have joined the Bihaan and found new ways of livelihood. C State has joined the Rural Livelihood Mission to find a way of self-sufficiency for the group. It is necessary to mention here that all these women members are fully domestic and agricultural. In the past, traditional farming was busy in farming. Obviously, only the family is able to maintain the income from traditional agriculture. But today the women have joined the Bihaan and found new ways of livelihood.

Women taking step by step on self-employment

The use of mahua is commonly used by local villagers to make indigenous wines, but very few people know that the usefulness of mahua is not limited here only. Rather the vitamins in mahua flowers and fruits, There is an excess of iron and other nutritious elements which are necessary for the body. Foods made from it such as laddoos and powders can prove helpful in eliminating malnutrition especially in growing children and expectant mothers. In this sequence, the construction work of Mahua Laddoo is being done by all the members of Dhanalakshmi Self-Help Group of village Bolbola. Currently, 35 kg Mahua Laddu has been prepared and sold by the group. In this regard, the member women told that Mahua Laddoo is sold at the rate of Rs. 5 per piece and Rs. 500 per kg. In this way, a total of 35 kg laddu ready group has received an amount of Rs. 17500. Poultry farming has always been a major component of self-employment. Therefore, the work of poultry farming is being done by Pragati women self-help group of village Bolbola. Construction of shed for the said women self-help group under Rurban mission Has been done. Poultry farming is sold by the group. Also, the work of handicraft is being conducted by another women’s self-help group “Bachat”. In this regard, 16 sukars have been supplied by shed construction and livestock department under MNREGA. Priority is also being given to women self-help groups in the conduct of the recently launched Godhan Nyaya Yojana by the state government. Under this, the women of the group will move towards a new employment by collecting cow dung brought by villagers and making vermi compost. With this, the work of manufacturing compost compost under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana has been started by the “new light” women self-help in village Bolbola. And the women of this group are producing organic manure by purchasing cow dung for 2 rupees from livestock. Similarly, e-rickshaw operation is definitely a new task for rural women. Area. In this also, e-rickshaw is being successfully conducted by Smt Santoshi Netam, member of “Tulsi” self-help group. He has been given an e-rickshaw under Rurban in the month of December 2018. Santoshi Netam was given training to run e-rickshaws through Livelihood College before delivering e-rickshaws. Thereafter, through the livelihood mission, 165,000 were given e-rickshaws by Labor Department and 8000 by themselves. Currently, she carries passengers every day from her e-rickshaw from Gram Panchayat Bolbola to Headquarters Kondagaon. Training was imparted. Thereafter, through the livelihood mission, 165,000 were given e-rickshaws by Labor Department and 8000 by themselves. Currently, she carries passengers every day from her e-rickshaw from Gram Panchayat Bolbola to Headquarters Kondagaon. Training was imparted. Thereafter, through the livelihood mission, 165,000 were given e-rickshaws by the Labor Department and 8000 by themselves. Currently, she carries passengers from her e-rickshaw from Gram Panchayat Bolbola to Headquarters Kondagaon daily.

Apart from this, one member of the family of all groups has been linked to sustainable agriculture project by the Mission in Bolbola. Under the project, Tulbanks have been provided to the families for improved farming. Which women are able to do more work in less labor using in their farming. Besides, a kitchen garden has also been prepared for each member.

In this way, by becoming self-sufficient, the women of village Bbola are sharing the share of equity in their household income. This has led to improvement in the standard of living of their household and family and also increased respect in society. This new avatar of rural self-reliant women is indeed welcome as well as an inspiration for society. And the enthusiasm with which women are playing their role in all these areas has certainly belied the prevailing beliefs and beliefs that women believed that only women could support family.