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Minister Mr. Saklecha oversaw the development of the cowshed in Panoli

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Minister Shri Saklecha inspects building of Gaushala at Panoli Bhopal: Sunday, January 24, 2021, 20:58 IST Under the Micro and Small Enterprises and Science and Technology Minister of the state Shri Om Prakash Sakhalecha below building in village Janakpur Panoli in Javad space on Sunday Inspected the cowshed and praised the development work on discovering good progress of the cowshed. He additionally instructed the officers involved to finish the development of the cowshed rapidly and pay particular consideration to the standard of the development work. Minister Shri Sakhalecha additionally defined in regards to the association of pasture, consuming water and many others. to the cows to be stored within the cowshed. Got info. Rajesh Bain