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Chief Minister Shri Chouhan planted a sapling of Mahanim

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Chief Minister Shri Chouhan planted mahanim sapling Bhopal: Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 12:19 IST Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan planted sapling of Mahanim within the sensible backyard at Shyamala Hills at this time. Chief Minister Shri Chouhan planted saplings in a wise backyard earlier than going to the ministry at this time as a pledge to plant one plant every single day. Also executed Shramdaan. Importance of Mahanim Mahanim has particular significance in Ayurvedic remedy technique. It cures illnesses of bile, phlegm. Regulates hypertension. Mahanim is a helpful tree for the well being safety of an individual. Medicines ready from this are in huge circulation. Ashok Manwani