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Jharkhand allows entry of 50 people at places of worship with strict Covid-19 protocols in place

1 min read

Amid the coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis and Centre’s guidelines for the reopening of religious gathering with a ceiling of 100 people, the Jharkhand government said a maximum of 50 people can enter a place of worship at a time, adding that devotees must wear masks and maintain social distancing.

Religious places in the state have been allowed to re-open on Thursday after a period of over six months.

A notification issued by chief secretary Sukhdev Singh on Wednesday night read that places of worship in areas other than containment zones are allowed to re-open and heads of these places of worship must adhere to the Covid-19 protocol.

1. Not more than 50 people will gather at a time at any place of worship and a distance of six feet must be maintained

2. No fairs or religious processions will be organised and only those with masks will be allowed to enter the premises.

3. Priests or clerics will have to wear masks and devotees should not hug each other or touch idols, sacred texts or bells.