Report Wire

News at Another Perspective

Transparent policies for advertisement to news websites under Baghel’s Government

2 min read

A transparent online system based on the norms implemented in the state of Chhattisgarh to advertise news websites is a mishmash for other states. The Government of Chhattisgarh has set rules and norms for advertising to news portals. Based on these rules and norms, advertisements are issued to the news website only after testing through two committees.

Not only has a new policy been created for advertising to news websites and portals in the state of Chhattisgarh, but it has also been made online in the public domain to make this policy completely transparent. With this system, fake websites and web portals have been controlled, while the right websites and portals are getting full benefits.

      Online applications are taken for advertisements on news websites and portals by Chhattisgarh Public Relations. Online applications are invited every month from the news website and news web portals for advertisement. Advertising rules are also available on the website for transparency. Based on the criteria of the advertisement rules in online applications, several provisions including Googles Analysis are checked by the committee.

       Applications are tested on two levels – by the Chhattisgarh Public Relations to the Google Analytics Report and other technical aspects, to the expert officers of National Informatics Center (NIC) and Broadcast Engineering Consultant India Limited (Basil) Responsibility has been given. Also, a committee of senior officers has also been formed in the Directorate of Public Relations. The Google Analysis report and other aspects are required to be tested by expert officers of NIC and Basil. After this, members of the committee constituted in the Directorate of Public Relations are recommended to advertise the news websites found eligible based on the criteria made for the advertising rules. This online transparent system implemented in the state by the state government has been greatly appreciated by the operators of the news website and news web portal.