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There is a slight decrease in the number of infected, but on an average 8 deaths daily from 4 months, 2197 new patients in the state

2 min read
  • 456 new cases in the capital, 39 deaths in the state
  • Durg IG’s report came positive

The corona in Chhattisgarh is becoming uncontrollable. If we take the average of deaths in the state from May till now, then 8 lives are being lost every day from Corona. Meanwhile, on Tuesday, 2197 new corona patients have been found in the state including 456 in Raipur. During treatment, 39 corona infected were killed on Tuesday, of which 12 are from Raipur. So far 917 patients have died in the state, of which 420 are from Raipur. At the same time, IGs of Durg range and 5 other coronas of their staff have been found infected. The total number of infected in the state has now reached 110655. There are 31225 active cases in them. 78514 patients have been discharged after treatment. The number of patients in Raipur is 33285 and active case 10839. 22026 people have recovered. More than 11 lakh samples have been investigated so far. The first death from Corona in the state was on May 29, of a young man from Birgaon.

In the last 4 months, 917 patients have died. On average, 222 patients have been dying every month for the last two months. On the first death of the state on Tuesday, 4 months have been completed. In fact, these days, such patients are reaching more in hospitals, who have other diseases with difficulty in breathing. According to Senior Cancer Surgeon Dr. Yusuf Memon and Chest Expert Dr. RK Panda, such patients are dying after hours in the hospital. Due to the second disease, the risk factor is higher in such patients, so delay in treatment continues to be a problem.

35 did not even reach the hospital alive: Since May 29, more than 35 such patients have died, whose body reached the hospital. That is, he was broad dead. Doctors say that the patient can be cured by treatment due to timely diagnosis of the disease. If someone has other diseases, the danger is greater for them. In such a slight negligence can also be fatal. Health Minister TS Singhdev has already said that patients are increasing, more than it is about deaths. This number needs to be reduced by half or even more. The only way to do this, people will have to be hospitalized in time.