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Surajpur: Economic reforms are being done due to construction of workighed in Sonwahi

2 min read

Self help group women are becoming self reliant by building bricks

Forest rights letter was distributed to tribes or other community on forest land occupied before 2005 under the ambitious “Forest Rights Act 2006” of Chhattisgarh government under the district. In the Gram Panchayat Sonwahi of the district panchayat Surajpur, FRA area was selected according to the instructions of the state government, in which the area of ​​forest area of ​​the Gram Panchayat Sonwahi is spread over about 43.00 acres, under which 21 FRA beneficiaries reside, connecting the area with development and livelihood. Work has been approved for the scheme under MNREGA.

Approval of Rs. 12.5 thousand has been given to self-help group for construction of working sheds through MNREGA in Tehatgram Panchayat Sonwahi under Hamar Jungle Humar Aajeevika under Tehatgram Panchayat Sonwahi under “Forest Rights Act 2006”. In which fly ashite construction machine has been provided by the district administration Surajpur. Using this, 15 women of the village self help group are getting an income of Rs 3000-4000 per month. The cost of making a brick is about Rs. 2.23 per day and the said cost is being sold at the rate of Rs. 3.00 per minute, so that the Self Help Group is being sold at Rs. The benefit of Rs 77 per day is being received. Through the MGNREGA, the self-help groups are getting good income from the construction of bricks in the working shed and their economic condition is becoming stronger. Now they are able to meet their basic needs. She is able to take proper care of her family and is also providing education in good school to her children. For this, he has thanked the Government of Chhattisgarh.