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Storage and sale of non-standard fertilizers banned with instant impact

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Fertilizer Inspector knowledgeable that through the yr 2022-22, samples have been taken and despatched to Fertilizer Quality Control Laboratory, Raipur for evaluation beneath the undersigned and Fertilizer Inspector Quality Control. On the idea of the evaluation outcomes obtained as per the letter of the laboratory, Sanstha Sewa Cooperative Society Sonbarsa (Jewdan Khurd), Producer Company Agro Fass India Limited (Meghanagar Dewas Unit South Center) Tukaganj Indore, Fertilizer-Ci.F.A., Batch-PPB/01 , Sampling Date 22 May 2021 At the time of sampling, the obtainable inventory tons 20.00 TON and the lively components obtainable after evaluation discovered to be whole P2O5-11.70, w/s P2O5-7.99, Sulfur-3.7 %. Therefore, in train of the powers conferred beneath part 26 of the Fertilizer Control Order 1985, the storage and sale of the above non-standard fertilizers have been banned with instant impact beneath part 19(1)a.