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Raipur: Godhan Nyay Yojana: Online payment will be made to cow dung vendors

2 min read

State government issued guidelines

Under the ambitious ‘Godhan Nyaya Yojana’ of the state government, the dung seller cattlemen will be paid online directly into their bank accounts. The state government has issued a guideline regarding computerized management system for the implementation of Godan Nyan Yojana. According to which the complete details of the purchase of cow dung and sale of vermi compost will be maintained through the online portal. 
    Vermi compost will be prepared by self-help groups identified for vermicompost production by obtaining cow dung from the Gothan committee. The finished vermi compost will be quality tested and packaging and sent back to the Gauthan committee. One can purchase the vermi compost produced in Gauthan through a cooperative society. Such farmers who are members of the cooperative society, can take Vermi Compost as a commodity loan and can also get the benefit of grant on it as per rules. Any government and non-government organization can purchase vermi compost by paying in advance. Any other person can buy vermi compost by paying in advance at fixed rates through government committee. 
    The details of the sale of cow dung, purchase of vermicompost, etc. will be maintained in all the Gothans by the cooperative banks of the state. The dung seller can have an account with any bank. It will be mandatory to open an account in the nearest district, branch of State Cooperative Bank of Gauthan Samiti. The amount of dung will be transferred from the account of the Gauthan committee to the dung vendor. The amount will be transferred from the account of the cooperative society to the Gowthan committee, which will be the share of sale of the vermi compost. This will include transportation expenses, packaging and dividends etc. All the divisional commissioners, all collectors, all executive officers, district panchayats, all commissioners, municipal corporations and all chief municipal officers, municipal councils and all the divisional commissioners of the state from the Mahanadi Bhavan by the Ministry of Agriculture Development and Farmers Welfare and Biotechnology Department, Government of Chhattisgarh. A copy of the guidelines has been sent to the Nagar Panchayats for necessary action