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National Animal Disease Control Program within the district from 06 October to 19 November 2022

1 min read

Under the National Animal Disease Control Program, FMD vaccination program marketing campaign is being run within the district from October 6, 2022 to guard the animals like cow, bull, buffalo from hoof-mouth illness. Livestock Development Department, Dantewada has determined to make the district free from Foot-Mouth Disease (FMD) in cattle. Under the marketing campaign, a complete of 19 vaccination groups, together with 4 nominated nodal officers from the District Administration and Livestock Development Department, Dantewada, are going door-to-door in every village to hold out FMD vaccination. Dr. Ajmer Singh Kushwaha, Deputy Director, P.C. Se Dantewada informed that there’s an infectious illness brought on by a virus referred to as Apthovirus in hoofed animals. 07 serotypes of this virus are O. The ACs are Asia 1 and the SAT 1,2,3. The an infection of this illness causes wounds within the mouth and hooves of the animals, as a consequence of which the animals turn into diseased and their productiveness is affected. Dr. Kushwaha, Deputy Director, P.C. has appealed to all of the livestock homeowners of the district to take the good thing about National Animal Disease Control Program FMD Vaccination Campaign Round-II, to vaccinate their animals as obligatory from October 06 to November 19, 2022.

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