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Kawardha: Godhan Nyaya Yojana: The beneficiaries are getting the payment from the bank friend in Gauthan.

3 min read

Under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana, 977 rural beneficiaries of the district are benefiting. Those who have registered themselves to sell cow dung in Gauthan. In the first phase of 74 Gothan and in the second phase 150 Gothan, the work of cow dung is being done continuously from July 20 . Block in the district panchayat under Kawardha Kawardha 724.82 Kirnvtl , District Panchayat Bodla 740.85 Kirnvtl , district panchayat Sklohara 631.75 in and district panchayat Panderia 429.53 Total including Kirnvtl 2526.96 purchasing Kwintl dung 2Has been made at the rate of Rs per kg. Under the National Rural Livelihoods Mission Bihan, the villagers are getting a lot of benefits from bank sakhi for payment under the scheme. The beneficiaries of the Godhan Nyaya Yojana are getting the money for sale of cow dung in their own Gram Panchayat in the Gothans of Gram Panchayat Pandaria , Niwaspur , Bandha , Minminia Maidan , DhongaiTola, etc. in the district of Dusta Vananchal. Block Bodla village panchayat two beneficiaries Panderia 600 other scheme with Rs 3 thousand rupees was paid by bank girlfriend Sangeeta. Similarly grams three beneficiaries by Rmshul Dhurve panchayat Nivaspur 3 thousand 400The benefit of the scheme of governance was given by giving money. In the village panchayat Dhogaitola, payment of Rs 500 to a beneficiary has been made by Bank Sakhi Divya Sahu. It is to be known that there are 92 Bank Sakhi employees in Kabirdham district who provide home access service to the villagers, in which Aadhaar based payment is made with the help of biometric devices from the bank account of the villagers. Due to which the facility is available in the village, the villagers avoid the inconvenience of going to the bank away from the village and standing in a line.
Collector Mr. Ramesh Kumar Sharma said that villagers have been registered under Godhan Nyaya Yojana in the district as per the direction of the state government. Every day the records of dung vendor are kept in the concerned village Gauthan. A card of beneficiaries has been prepared for this work. In which the description is recorded. Shri Sharma informed that bank accounts have been opened by the cooperative society to release the amount in their account to the beneficiaries. The scheme is being implemented with a computerized management system. Information about the works of cow dung seller , Gauthan , vermi compost buyer , self help group is being maintained. Through bank sakhi, the villagers are getting paid at the village itself. The benefit of the government’s scheme is available as a home access service.
Mr. Vijay Dayaram, Chief Executive Officer of the District Panchayat. Told that in the Godhan Nyaya Yojana started from July 20 , the amount of cow dung purchased till one date of August will be paid to the concerned villagers in their bank account. A total of Rs 505392 will be paid to the villagers, which will help them financially. The above dung has been sold by 977 registered beneficiaries at different times as a vendor in 3 thousand 784 times. He informed that the banks are also receiving the payment of rural funds from the Sakhi scheme. There are 92 banks working in the district , in which 24 under district panchayat Bodla , 20 under district panchayat Kawardha ,District Panchayat S. Lohara includes 19 and District Panchayat Pandaria includes 29 . Bank Sakhi is helping the beneficiaries of the scheme to make timely payments and at the same time the villagers do not have to come to the bank. The amount is made available to the villagers according to the wishes of the villagers from their account.
It is noteworthy that Narva , Garwa , Ghurwa and Bari are ambitious plans of the Government of Chhattisgarh under Suraji village scheme . Under this scheme, to strengthen the rural economy, development of Gowthan to the Godhan Nyay Yojana is being carried out. In which villagers are getting profit by selling cow dung of their bovine in Gothanas. Efforts are on to make Gowthan a livelihood center. Dung of your cattle by cowherds in Gauthan 2The people are selling at the rate of rupees per fort and going to the bank in their own village, the baggers are receiving cash payments.