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Former Chhattisgarh CM Dr. Raman Singh became Corona positive, ‘lockdown’ in Raipur from 21

2 min read

Dr. Raman Singh himself has informed about being Corona positive (COVID-19) by tweeting. So at the same time, the administration is now preparing for a more strict lockdown.

Raipur. Former Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh and National Vice President of BJP, Dr. Raman Singh has become infected with Corona. From his official Twitter handle, Dr. Raman Singh has informed about being corona positive. It is known that his wife Veena Singh Corona got infected a few days ago. Dr. Raman Singh wrote in his tweet, I had a test when I saw the initial symptoms of corona, in which my report has come out positive (Corona Positive). I request that all those people who have come in contact with me in the past stay in isolation and get their Kovid-19 test done.

CM Bhupesh Baghel has also responded to Dr. Raman Singh’s tweet. CM Baghel has wished Dr. Raman Singh to get well soon. In his tweet CM Baghel wrote, take care of yourself. I wish you well soon.

The government has taken a big decision in Chhattisgarh amid the increasing cases of corona. There will be a lockdown in Raipur from 21 September. According to the instructions, the lockdown will be from 9 pm to 28 September 21 night. Full lockdown of one week has been imposed. So the Containment Zone of Raipur has been declared there. During the lockdown, only milk, medical and petrol pumps will open. Lockdown will be strictly followed. This decision has been taken in a joint meeting of the district administration after the ever increasing transition of Corona.

Keep these things in mind

, according to the instructions of the administration,  lockdown In general, people will not get petrol and diesel. Only government vehicles, ambulances, vehicles engaged in health care will be exempted. Vegetable-grocery shops will also be completely closed. People will be strictly prohibited from leaving the house. At the same time, liquor shops will also not open during lockdown. Instructions have been given to keep all liquor shops in Raipur closed till lockdown.

This time lockdown will be strictly followed in Raipur. Petrol will also be available only to those engaged in essential duty. If needlessly take the car and go out on the road, the vehicle will be sealed for 15 days. Collector S. Bharatidasan says that strict action can be taken against those who break the rules.