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Children made their unique identity with education, skill and sportsmanship: Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel

2 min read

8 November. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, while interacting with children in the 12th episode of the monthly radio talk Lokvani, said that the children of Chhattisgarh can achieve high standards of their health, education, skills, sports skills, with dedication and culture in the country and the world. Create a distinct and distinct identity. Many schemes are being run by the state government for the good health of children, their better education, developing skills, and improving sports skills. Along with this, every possible effort is being made to preserve and promote the culture of Chhattisgarh. The Chief Minister today announced all the centers of AIR, F.M. In Lokvani aired on radio and regional news channels, he shared his views with children and people on the subject of ‘education of boys and girls, sports and future’.

Children of various districts of the state had recorded many questions related to studies, sports, for the 12th episode of radio talk. Since November 14 is also the birthday of Children’s Uncle Nehru, with Diwali as Children’s Day, so children have interesting interesting questions related to Uncle Nehru, the children asked the Chief Minister, ‘Uncle Nehru leaving fancy dress and always wearing Khadi clothes and caps Why did you wear it? ‘,’ Why did uncle Nehru love rose flowers so much? ‘To which the Chief Minister responded in a series of times. At the same time, he also introduced the personality, gratitude, ideas and interesting aspects of the person of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent India.