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Chief Minister salutes martyr Veer Narayan Singh on his martyrdom day

1 min read

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel has paid homage to Chhattisgarh’s first freedom fighter Amar Shaheed Virnarayan Singh on his martyrdom day, 10 December. Recalling the contribution of Veer Narayan Singh to the motherland, Mr. Baghel stated that the tribal individuals’s hero Veer Narayan Singh, who sacrificed his life for freedom, was the true son of Chhattisgarh Mahtari. He fought onerous towards the British rule to save lots of the poor from starvation through the extreme famine of 1856. In the primary freedom battle motion of 1857, he communicated patriotism among the many individuals of Chhattisgarh. The state authorities has instituted the Shaheed Veer Narayan Singh Samman in his reminiscence for his wonderful work within the discipline of upliftment among the many tribal and backward lessons. Mr. Baghel has stated that the battle towards injustice, dedication and sacrifice of Martyr Veer Narayan Singh will all the time be remembered.

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