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Chhattisgarh Police begin ‘Spandan’ drive to protect personnel from distress

2 min read

All Chhattisgarh Police officers will visit police lines and stations as well as armed forces companies to spend time with their personnel in a novel attempt to know their problems and address their concerns amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Director General of Police D.M. Awasthi said this would be part of the ‘Spandan’ campaign that will also see all  Commandants spending the night in each company once a month.

Similarly, Superintendents of Police have been told to visit all the police stations and police lines and listen to the problems of the police personnel.

These follow the instructions of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel who voiced concern over the growing incidents of depression and tension within the police force, at times leading to violent deaths.

DGP Awasthi prepared an action plan at a meeting held on Tuesday in the presence of senior police officers and    psychologists and named it Spandan.

The scheme has been implemented with immediate effect in the state.

Baghel favoured yoga classes and counseling from psychologists to help the police personnel beat the stress at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic is raging in the country.

The DGP at Police Headquarters, Raipur, will conduct  special interactive programmes twice a month to meet the officers and employees of the District Police Force and Armed Forces.

Psychologists, music therapy, yoga education and sports and library facilities will be provided in the camps adjacent to the inaccessible areas.

All senior officers will visit remote areas and hold discussions with the officers and staff posted there. 

A special app is being prepared to monitor the problems of police personnel at the police headquarters level.  Through this app, policemen and their families can communicate their problems to the concerned officials.