Report Wire

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3842 new cases and 17 deaths, 80 thousand patients and active cases exceed 36 thousand in the state

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672 new cases found in Raipur

From Corona, 3842 new patients were found in Corona on Friday and 672 in Raipur. 17 patients died in the state, 5 of them from Raipur. The young brother of a doctor who was treating Corona in the capital also died. He was a gym trainer. After the new case, the number of positive patients has increased to 81,619 in the state. The active cases are 36,580. The number of patients in Raipur has reached 26,119. The HOD of the forensic department at Nehru Medical College has been again infected with corona. She came positive 2 months ago as well. Not only this, her cardiologist husband has also been infected again. Both the children have also come positive with them. Children are infected for the first time. The doctors in charge of the blood bank in Ambedkar are infected. Apart from Ambedkar, more than 20 doctors were found positive on Friday’s report.