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Aggrieved CBSE college students, colleges to maneuver court docket over Kerala govt choice on rank listing

2 min read

By Express News Service

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: In the wake of the state authorities deciding to proceed with the present methodology of contemplating marks of choose topics of the Plus-II examination for making ready the engineering entrance rank listing, aggrieved CBSE college students and faculty managements are planning to take authorized recourse. Already, over 1 lakh signatures of scholars have been collected as a part of a marketing campaign in CBSE colleges within the state, demanding that solely the marks of the doorway examination be thought of for admission to all undergraduate programs.

The National Council of CBSE Schools, representing faculty managements throughout the nation, famous that liberal award of marks within the state board examination was creating fewer alternatives for college kids in unaided colleges for admission to larger programs. “It has been noticed that the existing system of evaluating the eligibility for admission to engineering and other degree courses in the state isnot offering a level-playing field for students coming from different streams,” stated Indira Rajan, secretary-general of the National Council of CBSE Schools. She added that the council and college students would transfer the court docket on the matter. In the same case, the High Court had lately restrained the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE) from publishing the rank listing for admission to skilled programs with out additional orders from the court docket.

The council had already written to Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan demanding that admission to all undergraduate programs must be carried out solely by a standard entrance check, as is finished within the case {of professional} programs. The council has proposed to the Centre {that a} state-level entrance examination for admission to all undergraduate programs must be held.

Meanwhile, the Council of CBSE Schools, Kerala, the state unit of the National Council of CBSE Schools, has collected over 1 lakh signatures from college students with the identical demand and the petition can be handed over to the Prime Minister, Union Education Minister, Governor and Chief Minister in addition to CBSE authorities.