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The post-poll violence in Bengal: Where is our Gopal Patha

10 min read

Just as I completed interviewing Ritu (title modified), who was gang-raped in entrance of her father by TMC barbarians on the lookout for ‘Hindu girls’, I felt numb and nauseous. I messaged a buddy telling him as a lot. That maybe I can’t hold doing this for lengthy. How lengthy does one hold interviewing victims, being murdered, raped and butchered as a result of the echelons of energy don’t see advantage in breaking off the cycle of violence unleashed in Bengal? This was the impression of the interview, in fact. The realisation that democracy has been decreased to a mere double entendre – one, signifying the appropriate of each citizen to train their company, the opposite, a merciless joke the place you get butchered for it. 
Since the 2nd of May, ever because it grew to become clear that Mamata Banerjee was all set to retain energy within the state of West Bengal, heinous, animalistic violence was unleashed upon the individuals of Bengal, particularly, those that dared to both work for BJP or those that dared to vote for them within the state elections. Ritu was gang-raped on the 2nd of May. She says it will need to have been about 6 or 7 PM. It was at about 5 PM when Mamata Banerjee introduced her victory and informed her staff that she would tackle the media put up 6 PM.
Ritu informed us in the course of the interview that in accordance with her data, there are a number of different girls who have been gang-raped within the neighborhood of her residence in Burdwan. But as is predicted, none of them actually need to speak about it.. none of them desires to go to the police as a result of they consider going to the police is pretty much as good as strolling into the TMC workplace the place the goons who gang-raped them are sitting. None of them trusts the native BJP leaders, who’ve all however bought out to the TMC, in accordance with her. Hands in gloves with the very people who find themselves brutalising and disrobing girls who dared to train their company within the state elections.
While the media regarded away, the judiciary brushed apart the urgency of a state-sanctioned carnage of political opponents and the echelons of energy twiddled their thumbs, the Hindus of Bengal, the Bhadralok, sat at their chai-tapris, glad that the election micchils (processions) have been finished with. They might lastly take pleasure in their heated political debates whereas having chai-biskoot, with out the fixed blaring of the loudspeaker or the police shooing individuals away as a result of a political rally was in regards to the begin. And as they did, the ladies of Bengal who have been being brutalised wept.
As the ladies wept and the lads’s blood soaked components of Bengal, to rejoice the menacingly famed slogan that Mamata believes clinched the victory for her within the state, ‘Khela Hobe’, she selected a becoming day. sixteenth August, the day when the decision to bloodbath Hindus of Bengal was given by Muslim League founder Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Bengal, the one province in India underneath Muslim League rule at the moment, was apparently chosen by the Muslim League management as the appropriate place to unleash terror on Hindus within the title of “Direct Action”.
In 1946, the bloodbath of Hindus in Bengal was slightly intricately deliberate. Jinnah is recalled having stated that he’ll both have India divided or India burnt and that he had given up on Constitutional strategies to demand the creation of Pakistan. Jinnah had chosen the sixteenth of August as Direction Action Day as a result of it was the 18th day of Ramzan, the day when the Battle of Badr was fought and gained – a warfare fought by Prophet Muhammad himself, towards the Kaffirs, and is taken into account to be gained by Allah’s divine intervention by Muslims. The battle led to the violent occupation of Mecca.
On the sixteenth of August, Calcutta was affected by posters lionising Jinnah and reminding Muslims that they needed to comply with the footsteps of the Prophet. It is reported that Syed Muhammad Usman, mayor of Calcutta, had issued a extensively circulated leaflet that stated: Kafer! Toder dhongsher aar deri nei! Sarbik hotyakando ghotbei! (Infidels! Your finish is just not far-off! You can be massacred!). The purpose was to make Bengal ‘land of the pure’ and rid it of the Kaffirs (Hindus). The purpose was to wage one other Battle of Badr, wherein the Muslims would conquer the heathens.
What adopted on the sixteenth proper after the Jumma Namaz is Muslims happening a rampage, beheading Hindus, chopping their limbs off and raping Hindu girls. Several girls have been taken as intercourse slaves by those that have been combating with the non secular fervour of the Battle of Badr. In the Kesoram Cotton Mills at Lichubagan within the Muslim-dominated Metiabruz space, Muslim mobs entered and beheaded over 600 labourers. The Hindus, neutered and requested by Gandhi to die with a smile on their face hardly fought again. There was a mass exodus from Bengal that marked thousands and thousands fleeing, as a result of the bloodbath appeared too brutal to combat towards.
The parallels, as frightful as they might be, are onerous to overlook. There is a purpose why Mamata Banerjee has chosen the sixteenth of August because the day to rejoice the “Khala Hobe Diwas”. Just like within the run-up to the Direct Action Day, Mamata too had introduced, slightly brazenly, that violence can be the norm if she got here again to energy and likewise, that she was not above utilizing violence as a instrument to show these individuals a lesson who would dare to go towards her. Mamata Banerjee had warned the individuals of Bengal that the BJP would lose and once they do, they might solely have her to show to – her menacing tone not missed by anybody. She had given a name to gherao the forces deployed within the state, a name that paved the way in which for unbridled violence towards them. Her leaders had warned of killing those that dared to vote for BJP. In truth, TMC chief Firhad Hakim had brazenly requested for BJP staff to be thrashed, calling them the progeny of pigs.
What adopted, similar to in the course of the Direct Action Day, is the carnage of Hindus. In Ritu’s case, her rapists have been on the lookout for “Hindu women” to rape. She says there are a number of like her who won’t ever communicate up. Just like in the course of the Direct Action Day, males have been discovered hanging from timber, girls have been disrobed and gang-raped, villages have been burnt to ashes and carnage was unleashed towards the political Kaffirs. Just like in the course of the Direct Action Day, hundreds fled Bengal to take refuge in neighbouring Assam, wailing as a result of that they had no place to go. Wailing as a result of the political system and the double entendre of democracy had failed them.
During the Direct Action Day, on the seventeenth of August after 2 days of Hindus being massacred, Gopal Chandra Mukhopadhyay rose like a phoenix. Gopal Patha (Patha means ‘lamb’. He was referred to as so as a result of he ran a mutton store) had already based the Bharat Jatiya Bahini, an organisation of younger males to assist fellow residents throughout a pure calamity. On the seventeenth, Gopal Patha turned from a philanthropist to a warrior, able to defend his individuals. Throughout the evening, Gopal Patha, alongside along with his younger males from the Bharat Jayati Bahini labored on a plan on how they might defend Hindus from the Muslim barbarians. The marwaris supplied funds, others spent the evening making weapons for them.
Muslim League chief minister of Bengal, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and the Muslim League goons had selected the seventeenth that they have been going to take two extra days to finish the annihilation of Hindus. But that they had not considered their biggest roadblock. Gopal Patha.
From the 18th to twentieth, Gopal Patha and his males put up a courageous combat, paying the Muslim League goons again in equal measure, if no more. Historian Sandip Bandopadhyay wrote, “They faced resistance everywhere. Hindu youths counter-attacked with such ferocity that the Muslim League men had to flee. Many were killed. Emboldened by their success in taking on and defeating their Islamist attackers, Hindu youths took the fight to Muslim-majority areas and started killing Islamist men. They did not, however, touch Muslim women and children or the aged and the infirm”.
By the nineteenth of August, immediately, the Muslims began feeling unsafe. Only two days of retribution, of self-defence, and the Muslim League began working with tail between their legs. It was solely on the twenty first of August when the Muslims had began feeling unsafe as a result of the Hindus dared to defend themselves, did Viceroy’s rule come into motion in Bengal.
Where is our Gopal Patha
What occurred throughout Direct Action Day has vital classes for Hindus of Bengal. Today, when their self-confidence lies six toes underneath the bottom and their very own are being disrobed, the remainder of the nation has usually questioned why the central authorities has not bothered to do a lot. While that query in itself has advantage and the ire is justified, we should not overlook historical past or we would definitely be doomed to repeat it.
When numerous Hindus have been being raped and massacred in Bengal, it took the Muslims to really feel “threatened” for the Viceroy’s rule to be imposed. It was the Muslims feeling “threatened” that obtained the deracinated Indian management of Gandhi and Nehru to pay attention to the bloodbath foisted on the individuals due to their neutered secular politics.
During the Noakhali riots, numerous Hindus have been raped and murdered. The transformed Hindus have been made to write down declarations that that they had accepted Islam out of their free will and Hindus within the 2000 sq. mile space have been made to pay the Jaziya. When MK Gandhi had visited Naokhali, he was rebuked by the Muslim League and after that, he had travelled to Bihar to cease the retaliatory violence by the Hindus. There, he’s famed to have stated that Hindus should go away Noakhali or die – this, as a result of the Muslim League had requested him to quell the violence, the identical Muslim League that was raping Hindu girls, beheading Hindu girls and waging a warfare towards Kaffirs.
It is certainly our historical past that the state, traditionally, has incentivised road veto and additionally it is our historical past that the Muslim group has wielded that energy successfully. When Hindus have been massacred in Bengal in 2021, we made the error that the Gopal Patha knew to not. We are ready for a deracinated state, working a democracy that’s inherently rigged towards Hindus, to save lots of us. It is just not actually the fault of any single social gathering – each authorities traditionally has responded to those that scream the loudest. In truth, it isn’t solely an issue endemic to India.
NN Taleb, in his ebook Skin in The Game (Chapter: The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dominance of the Stubborn Minority’), talks about how a small group of Jews/Muslims within the USA is ready to affect the provision (Kosher/Halal meat) in whole America. He talks of a ‘one-way street of religions’ and explains how the Muslim majority was achieved in a largely Christian West Asia and Egypt.
He writes:
“Yes, an intolerant minority can control and destroy democracy. Actually, it will destroy our world. So, we need to be more intolerant with some intolerant minorities. Simply they violate the silver rule (Do not do to others what you would not like them to do to you). It is not permissible to use ‘American values’ or ‘Western values’ in treating intolerant Salafism (which denies other people’s right to have their own religion). The west is currently in the process of committing suicide.”
The most vital lesson in his ebook, nonetheless, is the next:
“Beware of the person who gives advice, telling you that a certain action on your part is “good for you” whereas additionally it is good for him, whereas the hurt to you doesn’t straight have an effect on him.”
And that basically is the precept that ensures that each democracy is rigged towards the actual victims. The actual victims hardly scream or kick or run riots. The actual victims are principally just like the Hindus of Bengal, who silently go into the evening as a result of they’ve been informed over the ages that the very basis of their faith requires them to be non-violent. Political events and the state, as such, step in when the loudest minority begins fearing the retaliation of the silent majority as a result of which means the minority, that’s feeling threatened, will even scream the loudest after they fail to fulfill their violent objectives. It is the political mess that the state responds to, not pleas for assist.
Governments will not be at all times evil, the knowledge of the plenty is just not at all times sound. It turns into fairly evident within the case of how India treats its Muslim minority. There could be little doubt that the Indian state is fearful of its Muslim inhabitants. Due to the energy constructions that kind the premise of Muslim society, our nation is held hostage by radical components from the group whose ideology is sort of precisely the identical because the Taliban’s or the Al Qaeda’s.
The lesson that the governments of the world, the Indian authorities included, desires Hindus to study is remarkably easy: We will take heed to you if you respect your self sufficient to defend your self.
The State is, plainly, telling Hindus, and rightly so, that civilisational battles can’t be fought by moaning to a state that has its arms tied behind its again traditionally, as a result of breaking these shackles takes many years. The State responded and stepped in to revive peace solely after Gopal Patha saved Hindus. The State and the management (Gandhi and Nehru) stepped in solely when Hindus began paying the barbarians again in their very own coin – a Bihar for a Naokhali.
The state is telling Hindus, in no unsure phrases, that combating the civilisational combat, the battle to outlive, rests on the shoulders of those that want to survive. It is upon us if we select to doc our finish or defend what we have now. The Bengal violence is probably not purely The state is telling Hindus to seek out their Gopal Patha.