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Punjab finds a novel strategy to resolve problems with protesting lecturers – drown their voice by enjoying Gurbani actually loud when CM visits

2 min read

Teachers in Punjab have been protesting, demanding the implementation of the seventh UGC Commission and the state has discovered a novel strategy to resolve their points – simply drown their voice out. Punjab’s IG Police (Special Protection) has issued an order to all Police Commissioners to put in DJs and play Gurbani to drown out the protest wherever CM visits so the voice of the protesting lecturers could be drowned out.
The order was shared on Twitter by Congress chief Sunil Jhakar. “It couldn’t be true! Sacrilegious and mockery of democracy”, Jhakar stated whereas sharing the order.
It couldn’t be true ! Sacrilegious and a mockery of democracy.— Sunil Jakhar (@sunilkjakhar) December 9, 2021
The order by the Punjab’s IG Police was written in Gurmukhi. A translation of the order, confirmed by OpIndia to be correct, was shared by a Twitter consumer.— MADHUR MANGAL (@MangalMadhur) December 9, 2021
The topic of the order learn, “Regarding the security arrangements during the arrival of the Hon’ble Chief Minister”.
The order itself learn, “Regarding the subject matter, it is written to you that whenever the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Punjab has a function program in your district, during the arrival of the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Punjab, on the way, two difference organisations would raise their voice. Slogans are raised. Therefore, in the future, whenever the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Punjab, has a function/program in his district, a DJ should be posted at the place where 2 different organisations are protesting their demands. If Gurbani Shabad/religious songs are played in, then their voices should not be heard”.
Essentially, the order says that the police commissioners will merely play Gurbani actually loud so the voices and slogans of protesting lecturers are drowned out when the Chef Minister visits.
The order, first shared by Jhakar, was then shared by Amit Malviya, BJP chief, as effectively. He questioned the Punjab CM and requested why he couldn’t speak to the protesting lecturers as a substitute of drowning their voices out.
Teachers are protesting and elevating slogans towards Punjab CM Channi. Instead of partaking and listening to them, Punjab’s IG Police (Special Protection) has issued an order to all Police Commissioners to put in DJs and play Gurbani to drown out the protest wherever CM visits…— Amit Malviya (@amitmalviya) December 10, 2021
Teachers throughout Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh have been protesting for the final a number of months for a number of calls for. These protests, although principally peaceable, have seen the educators come out in energy to dam main roads and stage dharnas, even within the face of being lathi-charged by the police. There is a ‘Total Education Bandh’ throughout 184 schools of Punjab the place lecturers are protesting to get the state to implement the provisions of the seventh UGC fee.