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Pakistani journalist tries to debate BBC documentary on PM Modi, will get slammed by US State Department spokesperson

3 min read

On Monday (January 23, US native time), a Pakistani journalist named Jalil Afridi was slammed by the US State Department spokesperson Ned Price after the previous tried to rake up the BBC documentary on Indian PM Narendra Modi to bitter the bilateral relations between the 2 international locations.

At about 1 hour and a pair of minutes into the press briefing, he claimed that the United States has compromised on its worth by refusing to sentence Narendra Modi for his supposed involvement within the 2002 Gujarat riots (an insinuation made by the BBC’s propaganda documentary).

Jalil Afridi, who serves because the Managing Editor of The Frontier Post stated, “I have never challenged the strategic interest of the US with India, but I regret the fact that since last eight years that I have been covering the State Department I have not seen once a senior official standing here at your seat condemning Narendra Modi himself individually – not just as a prime minister but individually his acts.”

Ned Price responded, “I am not aware of this documentary that you point to, but I will say broadly is that there are a number of elements that undergird the global strategic partnership that we have with our Indian partners.”

“There are close political ties, there are economic ties, there are exceptionally deep people-to-people ties between the United States and India. But one of those additional elements are the values that we share, the values that are common to American democracy and to Indian democracy,” he emphasised.

“India, of course, is the world’s largest democracy. It’s a vibrant democracy. And again, we look to everything that ties us together, and we look to reinforce all of those elements that tie us together,” the US State Department spokesperson schooled the Pakistani journalist.

Nonetheless, Jalil Afridi nudged Ned Price within the hopes of soliciting a hostile response about India or its Prime Minister. “How is it possible that State Department officials who were posted there at that time did not know that this individual, who was a former chief minister,” he requested.

“It happened right under his nose. Two thousand people were burned alive,” the Managing Director of The Frontier Post resorted to peddling disinformation.

Ned denies seeing BBC documentary on Modi’s Massacre in Gujrat, India

— Jalil Afridi (@afridijalil) January 24, 2023

“Again, I’m not familiar with the documentary you’re referring to. I am very familiar with the shared values that connect the United States and India as two thriving, vibrant democracies,” Ned Price reiterated.

He concluded, “When we have concerns about actions that are taken in India, we’ve voiced those. We’ve had an occasion to do that. But we want first and foremost to reinforce those values that are at the heart of our relationship.”

The Background of the BBC controversy

Recently, BBC aired a two-part documentary attacking PM Narendra Modi’s tenure as Gujarat Chief Minister through the Gujarat riots of 2002. India has denounced the controversial program as a “propaganda piece” that’s designed to push a discredited narrative.

One of the nefarious goals behind the documentary was to whitewash the position of Islamists within the Godhra prepare carnage, which claimed a complete of 59 Hindu lives.

It additional used the already discredited statements of Sanjiv Bhatt and RB Sreekumar to assault the Indian Prime Minister. BBC even used the claims of Babu Bajrangi and Haresh Bhatt, who’ve admitted that they had been studying the script given by a journalist, to attempt to declare PM Modi responsible.