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Oxygen tanker sure for Faridabad ‘looted’ by Delhi govt, Haryana minister orders police safety for future consignments

2 min read

At a time when the states throughout the nation should band collectively to defeat the unprecedented second wave of the Wuhan coronavirus, the leaders of the states are indulging in political mudslinging thereby pulling again India’s battle in opposition to the Chinese virus. In a sorry state of affairs, Haryana Health Minister Anil Vij has sensationally claimed that one of many oxygen tankers sure for the state was ‘looted’ by the Delhi authorities.One of the oxygen tankers sure for Haryana’s Faridabad by way of Delhi was looted by the Delhi authorities in accordance with Haryana Health Minister Anil Vij. “Yesterday, one of our O2 tankers was looted by Delhi Govt that was going to Faridabad. From now, I have ordered police protection for all tankers,” stated Vij.Vij, who can also be the state Home Minister said that Haryana has a enough provide of oxygen and it’s prepared to ship it to Delhi however solely after assembly the state’s personal demand. He added, “We are being forced to give our oxygen to Delhi.”Delhi has been reporting report excessive numbers of the Chinese virus and has even overtaken Mumbai within the each day instances of the virus. This has led to an unprecedented oxygen scarcity within the nation’s capital with the Centre stepping in to make sure the provision of oxygen at a struggle footing.Several oxygen cylinders have been provided to hospitals in Delhi with the Ganga Ram hospital receiving 4500 cubic metres of oxygen and Lok Nayak Jai Prakash (LNJP) Hospital receiving 10 tons of oxygen since Tuesday. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal took to social media to thank the Central authorities for growing Delhi’s oxygen provide.ThePrint studies that Haryana has stopped oxygen provide to neighbouring states citing the stoppage of oxygen provide from Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh.“First, we were getting oxygen from Baddi in Himachal Pradesh, but that supply was stopped. Then, the supply from Bhiwadi in Rajasthan was stopped. We have no option but to keep our oxygen for ourselves,” stated Vij.Read More: Kejriwal-led Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board ‘misappropriated’ 207 crore rupees, CBI registers caseReportedly, said authorities have sealed oxygen provider Linde India which resulted in a bunch of hospitals in Delhi reporting an acute scarcity of oxygen.Dr John Punnoose, affiliate medical director at St Stephen’s Hospital, stated, “They (oxygen tankers) cannot come to Delhi. They have refused.”It is being reported that the state of affairs has been defused after the Centre stepped in to resolve the variations. There is a clear-cut want for a mechanism the place the states should work with one another with a view to defeat the China made pandemic.