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News at Another Perspective

Donald Trump, PM Modi, Rahul Gandhi, the Congress-Left ecosystem and the corrupt media: Why we now have solely ourselves in cost for the deceit

6 min read

We don’t need reminders regarding the vitality of administration over the narrative. It is shoved correct into our faces so often, we’re proof against it. This happens to residents dwelling near a polluted river that emits foul scent – after a while, the nostril and the thoughts merely tune it out. In the political enviornment, we now have equally tuned out the leftist cabal’s administration over narratives and “facts” to such an extent that we take their blatant propaganda as actuality or info.

It desires no repetition that Stalinist Indian left controls narratives in India, in partnership with fascist, casteist and corrupt looter dynasties. This helps them protect the principle goal away from their rapes, mass murders and crimes in opposition to humanity every in India and by their handlers in Beijing or Moscow when it was nonetheless in enterprise. The worldwide woke liberal left controls it inside the English-speaking Western world. Their arms won’t be bloodied with communist crimes nevertheless they’ve enough of their very personal in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere to need further blood.

Recent events have pushed residence the administration in strategies we should always recognise, research and understand. 

An ex-President has been “indicted”. For what? For supposedly paying hush money to some porn star. Remember Clinton and his fairly a number of affairs? Do you want to think about that none had been paid off or compensated? Senator Edwards who often spoke of “two Americas” did the similar. 

Joe Rogan raised these questions. Far from questioning the extremely efficient, AP does a “fact check” on such allegations and tells us Clinton paying Paula Jones was “different and legal”. This is the job of the press, you see. Speaking actuality to vitality is only for some. For the remaining, it is one factor else I would fairly not say in print. Reminds you of Indian “liberal” media, and its “fact-checkers” that rush to the assistance of corrupt dynasts at any time when needed.

When the Clinton scandal was raging, we had been knowledgeable to “move on” and focus on his politics and by no means his personal failures. In reality, the liberal site was launched exactly to tell us this! But Trump is being hunted by the entire liberal-controlled “justice” system inside the US and we’re knowledgeable to focus on his crimes. Amazing that after virtually ten years of steady propaganda in liberal media about Russia and plenty of others, that’s all they could lay their arms on, that too after squeezing the associated elements of an ex-aide who will likely inform one thing to get away mild, given the easiest way plea “bargaining” works inside the USA. Even this can seemingly end up as a damp squib as quickly because it strikes up the judicial course of.

As if that weren’t enough, Matt Taibbi, considered one of many journalists that participated in Elon Musk’s expose of Twitter and its arbitrary censorship and purges under the woke left Gestapo regime of Gadde & Parag has been “visited” by IRS. You know, like Tom Hagen paying a nice nice go to over dinner on film producer Woltz. Perhaps a severed horse’s head will current up too. The warning is clear and chilling. Don’t deal with the woke deep state. 

But do you recall seeing any “democracy in danger” Op-Eds? Any points expressed by diplomats in Germany or France? Any drop inside the V-Dem index? Any debates in UK Parliament? The $2-a-word media servants that outrage often are silent. 

Now permit us to flip to the case of our fascist Shehzade Tuqlaq who made a nasty remark insulting an entire class of backward people. Imagine if anyone from BJP had acknowledged this off, not the Modi clan, nevertheless the Khans. Can you consider the outrage in worldwide media? 

When he was taken to courtroom docket in right approved strategies, under authorized pointers made by his household and his private celebration and punished by a lower courtroom docket, with better than sufficient recourse to better ranges of judiciary obtainable, the place most likely, enlightened liberal lordships will throw it out pronto, it turned a “democracy in danger” event! 

The full corrupt media ecosystem that was happily dwelling off-the-table scrap inside the looting interval, sings a particular tune this time – focus NOT on what Rahul acknowledged or how defaming and insulting it is. But on the reality that Modi is killing the opposition! Let me repeat – for many who ever doubt the bigoted venom of Rahul’s immodest assertion, merely change “Modi” with “Khan”. And see how the Ranaas and Sabas along with the NYTs of the world will react.

Leftist propaganda mouthpiece The Hindu, in its Editorial, is further apprehensive about Trump “extracting every ounce of political capital” than the witch hunt – one factor they’re going to in no way say of Rahul Gandhi in any case! And Hindu doesn’t even want to say it is a blatant misuse of vitality out of its private mouth – that is left for Trump to say and quoted circuitously, solely the place helpful, and garnished with such narrative serving suggestions.

Mind you, in distinction to Taibbi, Rahul is not any extraordinary citizen. A battalion of high-priced authorized professionals, who we extraordinary Indians can’t even afford to pay in lakhs for 1 hour of billing, are capable of rush to his rescue. His family dominated us for half a century and nonetheless controls quite a lot of states and he himself wishes to be our PM. As Lee Kuan Yew as quickly as acknowledged, he may actually develop to be one, as he is youthful and voters are prone to vote out incumbents in some unspecified time sooner or later. 

If ever there was a case of holding the extremely efficient to be accountable for what they’re saying and do, this generally is a good case. But he wishes to be above all laws and a corrupt ecosystem constructed on our looted wealth sings along with him! 

Mind you, no matter such venomous assault on a backward caste group, all he wanted to do was merely apologise. His family has enough experience in that – merely confirm what Motilalji did to get our Bharat Ratna Jawaharlal out of Nabha jail! Or possibly Jairam Ramesh should have coached him – he has been there and carried out it too!

Let us blame ourselves

But I’m not blaming Rahul or the media. I’m blaming ourselves. 

We have “tuned out” the stench of CONLEFT media setting narratives. We have forgotten the simple actuality – should you study or watch mainstream media and its extreme monks, you are primarily watching paid propaganda. Most of them are corrupt, further elite, further nepotist, and additional undeserving princelings than the fascist clown Prince they bat for.

For too prolonged, we swallowed one thing these brown noses put out assuming it to be true info and unbiased opinion. We have allowed a bunch of apparatchiks that espouse ideologies of rapist savagery and mass murders and worship demons like Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin and Kim Jong to tell us what’s “liberal”. Remember you’ll’t donate to a pro-India politician inside the US. He will go to jail if he accepts your money. But Soros can spend as he must unseat Modi and questioning him is fascism. 

We have gotten “fact-checking” completely flawed and have led ourselves to a state of affairs the place Palazzo or Politburo tells us what info are.

We have drawn an imaginary circle throughout the servant quarters of 10JP and assumed that anyone outside that circle simply is not a journalist or a “fact checker”. They are the liberal equal of “wajib ul qatl” an thought borrowed from their all-weather allies. Pretty quite a bit one thing shall be carried out to them or threatened, and that’s fully acceptable and Editors Guild and plenty of others can preserve silent. 

We are in awe of the rewards and awards they grant to at least one one other – by assuming these are for good work. Yes, they’re, nevertheless then the “good work” is serving the CONLEFT set off.

Once we let the scales drop from our eyes, we’re capable of see the fact for what it is.

And see why we’re knowledgeable that Trump or Taibbi are criminals, nevertheless Rahul Gandhi is a martyr for democracy.