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Worldwide corona cases cross 2.54 crore

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Washington The total number of coronaviruses worldwide has crossed 254 million, while more than 849,000 people have lost their lives due to the disease.

Johns Hopkins University gave this information.

The University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) revealed in its latest update that as of Tuesday morning, the total number of cases stood at 25,405,556 and while the number of deaths from the disease increased to 849,303.

According to CSSE, the United States remains the top most corona-affected country in the world with 6,028,617 cases and 183,579 deaths.

Brazil ranks second with 3,908,272 cases and 121,381 deaths.

CSSE data showed that India ranks third (3,621,245) in Corona cases, followed by Russia (992,402), Peru (647,166), South Africa (627,041), Colombia (607,904), Mexico (599,560), Spain (462,858). , Argentina (417,735) Chile (411,726), Iran (375,212), Britain (338,082), France (318,986), Saudi Arabia (315,772), Bangladesh (312,996), Pakistan (295,496), Turkey (270,133), Italy (269,214) , Germany (244,802), Iraq (234,934), Philippines (220,819), Indonesia (174,796), Canada (130,918), Ukraine (124,132), Qatar (118,778), Israel (116,596), Bolivia (115,968), Ecuador (113,767) And Kazakhstan (105,795).

Other countries with more than 10,000 deaths from Corona are India (64,469), Mexico (64,414), Britain (41,588), Italy (35,483), France (30,640), Spain (29,094), Peru (28,788), Iran (21,571), Colombia. (19,363), Russia (17,128), South Africa (14,149) and Chile (11,289). (IANS)

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